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-1607: Three Worlds Meet (24)
1607-1763: Colonization (25)
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U.S. Time Periods » 1607-1763: Colonization
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Image of map, plotting the four voyages of Columbus, 1492-1503.

American Journeys provides eyewitness accounts of North American exploration, from the Vikings in Canada...

In this scene a young girl, who has been accused of witchcraft, clings to her father who gestures towards the authorities come who have to arrest her. Oil painting by Douglas Volk, 1884. Corcoran Gall

Salem Witchcraft Papers: Transcription and Archival Project introduces the infamous Salem Witch Trials of 1692 and presents information on other...

St. James Church, built in South Carolina's oldest Anglican parish outside of Charleston, is thought to have been constructed between 1711 and 1719

Religion and the Founding of the American Republic examines the role religion played in the founding of the American colonies, in the...

The San Pedro was a 287-ton galleon built in Holland. It is representative of a typical treasure fleet ship used in the 18th century. The San Pedro carried 1,600 pesos in Mexican silver and several cr

Spanish Treasure Fleets of 1715 and 1733: Disasters Strike at Sea discusses Spain's search for gold and silver in the New World (1500s-1700s) and its...

Institute of Museum and Library Services 

Endowment for Humanities 

Library of Congress 

National Park Service 
  See All 25 1607-1763: Colonization Resources  

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