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OSHA and American Shipbuilding Association Alliance
Activities and Events Archive

  • September 21, 2004: Representatives from three maritime Alliances attended the Maritime Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP) Seminar in New Orleans, Louisiana to hear presentations from maritime companies and OSHA's National Office, Region III and Region VI and to discuss the application process, requirements and benefits of VPP from both the industry and government perspectives. [More. . .]
  • September 10-17, 2004: 2004 National Safety Congress & Expo, Ernest R. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, Louisiana
    • September 13, 2004: Mr. Tom Pope, then-Area Director, OSHA Region III – Norfolk Area Office; Capt. Teresa Preston, Director, Safety, Environment & Quality, Atlantic Marine, Inc. (SCA) and Mr. David Pivarnik, Northrop Grumman Ship Systems Director of Environmental, Health & Safety (ASA/NSRP), spoke to over 40 attendees at the workshop entitled, "Shipyard Alliances with OSHA," during the National Safety Congress.
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Page last updated: 02/19/2009