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ETP Resources

Feature Article
  • Amateur Radio A Powerful Voice in Education [118,325 bytes, PDF file]

    Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology
  • TI Info by Year

  • Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology
  • Instructional Kits and Projects

  • Basic Electronics for the New Ham:
  • School Application
  • Progress Grant Application
  • Downloadable Curriculum
  • School Teacher Support Programs
  • Program Brochure [617,399 bytes, PDF file]
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • How To Approach Schools
  • ARRL ETP Schools
  • ARRL Products:
    Digital Communications


    ARRL's HF Digital Handbook -- Join the Digital Race! 4th Edition.

    VoIP: Internet Linking for Radio Amateurs -- Where RF meets the Internet! A guide to four VoIP systems: EchoLink, IRLP, eQSO and WIRES-II.

    The ARRL Software Library for Hams 3.0 -- Now Shipping! -- CD-ROM, Version 3.0. Quick access to utilities, applications and information.

    ARRL's VHF Digital Handbook -- Dive into the digital radio universe!

    Morse Code for Radio Amateurs -- Includes a free CD of audio and computer programs.

    Aka "The Big Project"

    Amateur Radio is best known to the general public for its role in emergency communications during disasters. Despite many advances in communications technology, emergency management agencies and relief organizations continue to call upon Amateur Radio for assistance and to respect the contribution made by radio amateurs during times of crisis.

    For its licensees, Amateur Radio is not only an opportunity to serve the community during emergencies but also a source of friendship, recreation, and personal growth. In addition, many people began their path towards careers in electronics and wireless communications with experiences in Amateur Radio as children and teenagers.

    Amateur Radio is a significant resource for the classroom teacher in the education of America's youth for life and work in a global, technological society. Applications of Amateur Radio in the classroom help students become employable, informed, conscientious citizens. ARRL, the National Association for Amateur Radio, has developed an education project to introduce teachers to this resource and enable them to make the most effective use of it in their classrooms.

    Why should teachers consider using Amateur Radio in their classrooms?

    To encourage teachers who may not be aware of the educational potential of Amateur Radio, the ARRL has developed the Amateur Radio Education & Technology Program which will include the following:

    Search ARRLWeb to learn more about "The Big Project"

    The goal of the Amateur Radio Education & Technology Program is to improve the quality of education by providing an educationally sound curriculum focused on wireless communications. The project emphasizes integration of technology, math, science, geography, writing, speaking and social responsibility within a global society. For more information on The Big Project, go to our FAQ or download the program brochure (617,399 bytes, PDF file).

    School teachers interested in incorporating Amateur Radio into their curriculum, using it as an enrichment program or as a club activity are welcome to apply to become a Project School. Teachers currently using Amateur Radio in the classroom are welcome to apply for a Progress Grant to assist them in maintaining their station or enhancing their program. For additional resources, see our School Teacher Support Programs page.

    Page last modified: 11:53 AM, 01 Aug 2007 ET
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    Copyright © 2007, American Radio Relay League, Inc. All Rights Reserved.