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ARRL's Vintage Radio -- Articles about the lure of vintage Amateur Radio gear.

ARRL's RF Amplifier Classics -- Turn dreams of constructing your first amp or next brick into reality!

Hints & Kinks--17th edition -- Now including the popular Hands-On Radio column from QST Workbench.

ARRL's Hands-On Radio Experiments -- Over 60 basic electronics experiments from the pages of QST!

Experimental Methods in RF Design -- Now Shipping! -- Immerse yourself in the communications experience by building equipment that contributes to understanding basic concepts and circuits.

Public Service Communications Manual

PDF Version (789,268 bytes) · Section I: Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) · Section II: National Traffic System (NTS)

Section I: Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES)

Chapter One: Amateur Radio Emergency Service

Chapter Two: Simulated Emergency Test (SET)

Chapter Three: ARES Mutual Assistance Team (ARESMAT) Concept

Chapter Four: ARES and RACES

Chapter Five: ARES Principles of Disaster Communications

Chapter Six: Working With Public Safety Officials

Chapter Seven: On Serving "Served" Agencies

Section II: National Traffic System (NTS)

Chapter One: National Traffic System

Chapter Two: Principles of NTS Operation

Chapter Three: NTS Policies

Chapter Four: Operation During Disasters

Chapter Five: NTS Standard Net Procedures

Chapter Six: ARRL Precedences and Handling Instructions

Chapter Seven: Operation of the Transcontinental Corps

Chapter Eight: Operation of the Digital System

Chapter Nine: NTS Traffic Routing

Chapter Ten: Counting Net Traffic

Chapter Eleven: On Getting More Traffic

Appendix A: National Traffic System Terms of Reference

Appendix B: NTS Methods and Practices Guidelines

Page last modified: 03:50 PM, 06 Feb 2008 ET
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