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  Watch the CyberTipline Video Click to make a report
What is the CyberTipline?
Learn about this reporting mechanism for cases of child sexual exploitation.
Child Pornography Fact Sheet
Important facts about the issue of Child Pornography.
Reporting Categories
The types of child sexual exploitation that may be reported to the CyberTipline.
Electronic Service Providers (ESP)
Information for Electronic Service Providers.
Commercial Child Pornography
Get the fact sheet on the Financial Coalition Against Child Pornography.
Help the FBI find an offender

Virtual Global Taskforce
Tips for families, children, and teens about
online safety.
The Child Victim Identification Program (CVIP)
Dedicated to identifying and rescuing children currently being sexually exploited.
Parents' and guardians' premier, online resource for answering questions about Internet Safety, computers, and the Web.
Hotlines worldwide respond to reports of illegal content on the Internet.
Think Before You Post
Think Before You Post
Learn how posting images and personal information can put you at risk
Don't Believe the Type
Don't Believe the Type
Teens learn to better protect themselves
from online sexual predators.
HDOP - Help Delete Online Predators
Parents and guardians learn to better protect
their children from online sexual exploitation.
See a list of online acronyms.
These campaign materials are
available to download through
Ad Council's PSA Central.
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