Full Counsel Christian Fellowship A Call To Excellence Ministries " ... To be conformed into the image of His Son ... (Jesus)" Romans 8:29 P. O. Box 2160 North Little Rock, AR 72115 (501) 791-2111 (800) 465-6830, ext. 124 Fax (501) 791-7121 December 15, 2003 Federal Communication Commission Disabilities Rights Office 445 12TH Street SW Washington, DC 20554 Dear Sir or Madam: My name is Veronica Gulley and I am the media director for A Call to Excellence Ministries located in North Little Rock, Arkansas. I am the producer of A Call to Excellence Ministries' nationally syndicated half-hour weekly Bible teaching program entitled: A Call to Excellence. We are currently airing on KVTN (Channel 25) in Little Rock, Arkansas and on Daystar (KMPX Channel 29) in Dallas, Texas. The purpose of my letter to you is to request an exemption of the Closed Captioning Requirements for 2004. We are requesting an exemption because of financial difficulties that we are presently experiencing in A Call to Excellence Ministries. We just received notice that Daystar in Dallas, Texas is requiring that our program be closed captioned beginning January 1, 2004. A Call to Excellence Ministries is funded strictly through the generous donations of our congregation and viewers of the telecast. However, contributions were very low in 2003 due to the economy, and we experienced a substantial loss of income. However, after comparing prices on closed captioning from local and out of state vendors, we are not able to provide the closed captioning requirements for 2004. The cost will average over $55,000 in one year at current rates and tremendously over exceed our budget. We simply cannot afford the cost at this time. In order to continue to air in Dallas, Texas, I am asking that you review my request in being exempt for the closed captioning requirement for 2004. You may contact me at (501) 791-0600 Ext. 2125 if you have any questions. Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, /s/ Veronica Gulley Media Director