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Anthrax in the Workplace
Red Zone Yellow Zone Green Zone Anthrax Pyramid

In October 2001, four workers died from inhalation anthrax and an additional 13 developed cutaneous or inhalational disease as a result of intentional terrorist activity. In most cases seen thus far, the disease was linked to unexpected workplace exposures to anthrax spores contained in letters mailed through the United States Postal Service. Fortunately, the number of workplaces contaminated with the spores has also been quite limited. Nevertheless, employers and workers are concerned about possible exposure to Bacillus anthracis in the workplace.

Risk Reduction Matrix

This matrix was developed to offer basic advice and suggest protective measures that OSHA believes will reduce the risk of exposure in light of current concerns about the presence of anthrax spores in the workplace. This matrix is not intended to establish a legal standard of care with respect to anthrax spores in the workplace. These recommendations do not impose and are not intended to result in the imposition of any new legal obligations or constraints on employers or the states.

Table of Contents:

Anthrax Matrix Introduction Anthrax Matrix Pyramid
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Occupational Safety & Health Administration
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Washington, DC 20210