Wetlands Digital Data Submission Form
* Indicates Required Field

Contributing Organization:
Name of the organization and the contact information for the individual contributing data.

Organization Representative:
* First Name
* Last Name
* Street Address
* City       
* State      
* Zip Code
* Telephone       
* E-mail address

Date of Submission: Date project was submitted to the Wetlands Database Administrator (preferably, month/day/year). Most likely will be today's date.

* Project Name: Name given to the project, may be place name, restoration name, etc...

* Data Date: This is the date (preferably, month/day/year) of data collection. May be date of imagery used or data collection date.

* Data Type: Explanation of data type or collection method (i.e. new data, updated data, digitized data, GPS survey data, field visit, or other/unknown).

Ancillary Information: Please include any documentation, metadata, webpage URL, etc... that pertains to this project. Contributors may use the standardized Supplemental Map Information Form (MS Word .doc format, text .txt format). The Supplemental Map Information Form and other documents may be sent as email attachments (1 MB limit) to the Wetlands Database Administrator. Please reference this project when submitting documents via email.

Image Emulsion: If imagery was used to delinate wetlands was it color infrared, black and white, true/natural color, etc...

Image Scale: If imagery was used to delinate wetlands what was the scale of the hard copy photography (e.g. 1:10,000, 1:24,000, 1:40,000, 1:58,000) or the resolution of the digital imagery (e.g. 1-meter, 2-meter).


Digital Data Submission Method:
 FTP    Disk Media (CD, DVD, Hard drive)    Email Attachment (1 MB limit)    Other  
If FTP, please provide FTP URL:

If Other please specify:

Please send Disk Media and Email attachments to:
Wetlands Database Administrator
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
505 Science Drive
Madison, WI 53711
(608) 238-9333


If you experience any difficulty while submitting this form or have questions, Please contact the Wetlands Database Administrator.