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Name: Digitaria velutina (Forssk.) Beauv.
Common Name: Velvet Fingergrass
Habitat: Terrestrial; Open Disturbed Areas
Growth Habit: Annual Graminoid
Native Environemnt: Africa
Velvet Crabgrass
A large number of invasive aquatic and terrestrial plant species have become
introduced into the United States. While several agencies have developed databases
for tracking the locations and status of these invaders, these agencies do not have the resources to thoroughly track the presence and locations of these species in the states, relying instead on voluntary reporting of locations.

An important component to a state and regional coordination of management efforts will be an accessible and up-to-date database of invasive species locations and actions to manage them, operated and managed at the regional level. GRI is actively mapping the locations of invasive aquatic and terrestrial plant species in the Midsouth, and entering them into our web-based database for invasive plant species.

This database will be developed in collaboration with national USGS and other agency databases and structures, and the Invasive Plant Atlas of New England (IPANE), with mechanisms and procedures in place to ensure data transmission both upward (nationally) and downward to the local level for rapid assessment and response.
GeoResources Institute - Contact: John D. Madsen, Ph.D.
Ph: 662-325-2428 . Mississippi State, MS 39762 . WebMaster