Highlights Current News Bulletin Articles

2008 Hands on the Land Awards

Featured Site The 2008 Hands on the Land Awards have been given to King Range National Conservation Area (BLM) for Community Collaboration and Elden Pueblo Project (NFS) for Fostering Partnerships. Both locations have exceptional programs which link their managed lands with the surrounding community. Please visit their site profile to learn more about their programs.


MonarchLIVEPosted by Patti Pride
A Distance Learning Adventure Grades 4 - 8 The annual migration cycle of the monarch butterfly ( Danaus plexippus ) is one of the most spectacular natural phenomena in the world. Every year, millions of monarchs migrate thousands of miles from Canada and the United States to overwinter in the...

Alaska Harmful Algal Bloom Phytoplankton Monitoring

Posted by Faith Duncan
The Alaska Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring Partnership is composed of shellfish farmers, shellfish fishermen, tribal groups, state and federal agencies, educators and the University of Alaska working together as a volunteer-based Phytoplankton Monitoring Network (PMN) program in Alaska. AHAB's obj...

Service Learning

Hot TopicTeachers, learn about service learning opportunities and how to become a Take Pride in America School.

Hot Topics

Hot TopicWhat's important to federal land managers? Classroom materials are now available on invasive species, fire, watershed protection, and forest resource management.

Children and Nature

Hot TopicTake a look at what federal agencies and their partners are doing to connect children and nature.

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Bureau of Land ManagementUS Fish and Wildlife ServiceUSDA Forest ServiceUSDA Natural Resource Conservation ServiceNational Park ServiceNational Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationEnvironmental Protection Agency