Back to Great Lakes Lake Sturgeon page Lake Sturgeon Tributary Database and GIS
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Welcome to the Great Lakes lake sturgeon tributary database and Geographic Information System (GIS). This interactive GIS application and metadatabase have been designed to compile the available lake sturgeon data sources to help focus restoration and research activities on priority lake sturgeon waters.

To explore the database, scroll down and select a basin...

The geographic search functions like a GIS, allowing selection of various data layers and enabling the user to query available data to find specific information of interest.

On the advanced search page more complex search functions are available. All known lake sturgeon waters within the Great Lakes Basin (extirpated, historic, reintroduced, and current) are included. Where available, information is referenced for presence of adults, juveniles, and subadults, and whether spawning has been observed, egg deposition documented, and larvae surveyed for. Data fields reporting whether contaminant, genetic or age samples were collected, year(s) data collected, investigator(s) involved, and citations for available reports and publications and point of contact for additional information are included.

The Help section has definitions, guidance on how to search for a river in the geographic search, and other useful tidbits. Check it out!

Note: Data in the database are subject to change as new information is recorded and reported to the database administrator. Lake sturgeon researchers and managers are welcome to contact the database administrator to correct records at any time! Simply click the contact us button and email your request. The images of the Canadian side will be coming soon!

Great Lakes Basin image


Search Database for Lake Sturgeon in your river!

First, enter the Great Lakes Basin...




Maintained by U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Updated 1/11/2005