Low Power FM Broadcast Radio Stations

This page contains information about the Low Power FM (LPFM) radio service, which was created by the Commission in January 2000. These stations are authorized for noncommercial educational broadcasting only (no commercial operation) and operate with an effective radiated power (ERP) of 100 watts (0.1 kilowatts) or less, with maximum facilities of 100 watts ERP at 30 meters (100 feet) antenna height above average terrain (HAAT). The approximate service range of a 100 watt LPFM station is 5.6 kilometers (3.5 miles radius). LPFM stations are not protected from interference that may be received from other classes of FM stations. A construction permit is required before a LPFM station can be constructed or operated.

LPFM stations are available to noncommercial educational entities and public safety and transportation organizations, but are not available to individuals or for commercial operations. Current broadcast licensees with interests in other media (broadcast or newspapers) are not eligible to obtain LPFM stations.

LPFM stations must protect authorized radio broadcast stations on the same channel or frequency (cochannel), as well as broadcast stations on first, second, or third-adjacent channels above or below the LPFM station's frequency. This protection is accomplished through the use of minimum distance separation requirements, which are set forth in 47 CFR 73.807 [PDF].

LPFM Headlines

Items under this heading will be added or updated as needed. Check here for new or updated information.

December 11, 2007

  • Creation of a Low Power FM Radio Service , Third Report and Order and Second Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, MM Docket 99-25, FCC 07-204, released December 11, 2007. [ PDF | Word ]. Martin: [ PDF | Word ]. Copps: [ PDF | Word ]. Adelstein: [ PDF | Word ]. Tate: [ PDF | Word ]. McDowell: [ PDF | Word ].
  • November 27, 2007

  • FCC Adopts Rules to Promote the Growth of the Low Power FM Radio Service, News Release, released November 27, 2007. [ PDF | Word ]. Martin: [ PDF | Word ]. Copps: [ PDF | Word ]. Adelstein: [ PDF | Word ]. Tate: [ PDF | Word ]. McDowell: [ PDF | Word ].
  • October 25, 2006

  • Thin Air Community Radio, Letter, DA 06-2106, released October 25, 2006. [ PDF | Word ]. Granted the minor modification for KYRS-LP, Spokane, WA.
  • June 28, 2006

  • LPFM Licensed Coverage Maps (as of June 28, 2006): Continental USA (2.8 MB) | Alaska | Hawaii | Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands ]. PDF files.
  • August 24, 2005

  • Creation of a Low Power Radio Service, Order, MM Docket 99-25, DA 05-2348, released August 24, 2005. [ PDF | Word ]. Reply comment date for the Second Order on Reconsideration and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking is extended to September 21, 2005.
  • August 3, 2005

  • Creation of a Low Power Radio Service, Order, MB Docket 99-25, DA 05-2253, released August 3, 2005. [ PDF | Word ]. Comment dates extended to August 22, 2005; reply comment dates extended to September 6, 2005.
  • July 7, 2005

  • Federal Register Publishes Summary of LPFM Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in MM Docket 99-25.
    Federal Register links: [ 70 FR 39182 | 70 FR 39217 ]
    Comments are due by August 8, 2005, reply comments are due by August 22, 2005. Filing comments electronically through ECFS or ECFS Express is strongly encouraged.
  • March 17, 2005

  • Creation of a Low Power FM Radio Service, Second Order on Reconsideration and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, MM Docket 99-25, FCC 05-75, released March 17, 2005.
    Document: [ PDF | Word ].
    Copps: [ PDF | Word ].   Adelstein: [ PDF | Word ].
    FCC to Consider Options for Expanding, Strengthening LPFM Service, News Release, March 17, 2005: [ PDF | Word ].
  • February 2, 2005

  • FCC Announces Agenda for Low Power FM Forum To Be Held February 8, 2005, DA 05-288, released February 2, 2005. [ PDF | Word ].
    Video of this event, under date 2/8/2005 ]
  • March 6, 2003

  • License Renewal Applications for Radio Broadcast Stations -- All radio broadcast station licenses will expire between 2003 and 2006. Licensees must file a license renewal application (FCC Form 303-S) and the Broadcast Equal Employment Opportunity Program Statement (FCC Form 396) four months before the expiration date of the station's license. This page provides information about the license renewal process for radio broadcast stations.
  • LPFM Broadcast Station Checklist (PDF file) can be used by LPFM licensees and permittees to verify compliance with the FCC's rules. This checklist was created by the FCC's Enforcement Bureau.
  • Beware of Low Power FM Radio Scams! Be cautious of offers for equipment or services that promise to get you an LPFM station or to sell you a Part 15 unlicensed device or transmitter as a means to starting a licensed LPFM service. We do not recommend the purchase of equipment until you receive a LPFM construction permit from the FCC.
  • LPFM Application Filing Windows

    October 1, 2003
  • Settlement Period Announced for Closed Groups of Pending Low Power FM Mutually Exclusive Applications Filed In Window IV, Public Notice, DA 03-3009, released October 1, 2003. [ PDF | Word ] Attachment: [ PDF | Excel ] Eligible mutually exclusive applicants (listed in the attachment) may file settlement agreements, minor change amendments, or channel change amendments to break conflicts between LPFM applications. Settlements or amendments must be filed no later than December 5, 2003. The LPFM Channel Finder is available to assist eligible applicants in finding potentially suitable channels.
  • NOTICE: We cannot advise as to when the next application filing window might be. Future window filing dates will be posted here, and announced by Public Notice.

  • Prior window dates
  • LPFM Search

    You may retrieve information on LPFM stations and applications using the following form. This form will retrieve information from the FM Query in the form of a list. Selecting a call sign or facility id number from the list will retrieve more detailed information pertaining to that record, and related information may then be retrieved from the Media Bureau's CDBS system. Please note that some states may not have granted construction permits or licensed LPFM stations at this time.

    LPFM Reports

    Choose the options you want in your report, then Submit.


          Records To Be Retrieved:        

          List type:        


    LPFM Channel Finder

    The LPFM Channel Finder has been reactivated as of August 28, 2003 to assist applicants in preparing settlements or amendments to pending LPFM applications (see the August 28, 2003 Public Notice listed above). You may access the LPFM Channel Finder at http://www.fcc.gov/mb/audio/lpfm/lpfm_channel_finder.html.

    Be aware that use of this tool does not guarantee that a frequency or site that appears OK will be acceptable when an amendment is actually filed. Additional information about the program is located on the LPFM Channel Finder page.

    LPFM Notes

  • Number of Applications Per Applicant. In general, LPFM applicants may only apply for a single station. However, on reconsideration, the Commission clarified that government public safety and transportation organizations may apply for multiple LPFM stations for disseminating traffic, safety, and other information where the additional applications are not subject to competing applications. Similarly, where there are no conflicting applications, LPFM applications will be accepted for university student-run LPFM stations from universities holding LPFM licenses that are not student-run. Separate college campuses within a university system, or individual high schools under a single school board, could each individually apply for LPFM construction permits. ITFS (Instructional Television Fixed Service) stations run by universities and colleges that only transmit educational programming are not considered a "broadcast service" under the FCC ownership rules.
  • Zoning, land use, local building codes Applicants should, prior to submitting an application to the FCC, to consider how local zoning, building permits, or other land use restrictions might affect whether and how quickly an LPFM station can be constructed upon FCC grant of a construction permit. However, zoning, land use, or building permit information or approval is not needed to file FCC Form 318 with the Commission for an LPFM construction permit.
  • Conflicting LPFM Applications. Where one LPFM application does not meet the spacing requirements in 47 CFR 73.807 to another LPFM application, those applications are "mutually exclusive" in that both applications cannot be granted if interference is to be avoided. Mutually exclusive applications can occur with all the applications clustered together, or can take the form of a chain in which the end applications are linked through intermediate proposals.

    These mutually exclusive situations will be resolved through the application of a point system. Points are awarded for (1) the organization's presence in the community for at least two years, (2) a commitment to broadcast at least 12 hours per day, and (3) a commitment to provide at least 8 hours of locally originated programming each day. The applicant with the most points will be awarded the construction permit.

    If there is a tie after the points are tallied, the competing applicants will be encouraged to share a license. Those competing applicants resubmitting their applications together will be permitted to aggregate their points. For example, three applicants tied with three points each would be given a total of nine points upon resubmission. This aggregated group of applicants with nine points would be awarded the construction permit over a single applicant with three points.

    If the tied applicants cannot agree to share a license, the FCC will divide equally an eight year non-renewable license term among the applicants. For example, if there are four tied applicants, each will receive a two year, non renewable license term. The first license term will be awarded to the first to complete construction of its facilities pursuant to its construction permit.

    if there are more than eight tied applicants, the FCC will divide the eight year term among those applicants receiving a point for established community presence. If there are more than eight such applicants, the FCC will award one year, non-renewable license terms to the eight entities with the longest community presence.

    For details on the point system, please see the Report and Order in MM Docket 99-25.

    LPFM Radio Service Rules

    In general, the rule sections of interest to LPFM applicants, permittees, and licensees are contained in 47 CFR Part 73, Subpart L (the Section 73.800 series). Related rule sections in different subparts of Part 73 are listed in 47 CFR 73.801.

    Rule sections pertaining to LPFM stations are listed at http://www.fcc.gov/mb/audio/bickel/amfmrule.html#LPFM. Up to 3 individual rule sections at a time may be retrieved. Please be aware that selecting more than three rule sections at a time may result in a "server error" message from the Government Printing Office's server.


    All Comments, Pleadings, and Orders in MM Docket 99-25 may be retrieved through the Commission's Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS).

    To find documents containing a specific application file number, such as the Broadcast Actions and Broadcast Applications Public Notices, enter the right-hand side of the file number into the FCC's Word Search engine. For example, for file number BNPL-20000602AFI enter 20000602AFI and submit. NOTE: The results may not include PDF documents that contain this number.

    August 24, 2005

  • Creation of a Low Power Radio Service, Order, MM Docket 99-25, DA 05-2348, released August 24, 2005. [ PDF | Word ]. Reply comment date for the Second Order on Reconsideration and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking is extended to September 21, 2005.
  • August 3, 2005

  • Creation of a Low Power Radio Service, Order, MB Docket 99-25, DA 05-2253, released August 3, 2005. [ PDF | Word ]. Comment dates extended to August 22, 2005; reply comment dates extended to September 6, 2005.
  • July 5, 2005

  • Federal Register Publishes Summary of LPFM Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in MM Docket 99-25.
    Federal Register links: [ 70 FR 39182 | 70 FR 39217 ]
    Comments were due by August 8, 2005, reply comments were due by August 22, 2005. Filing comments electronically through ECFS or ECFS Express is strongly encouraged.
  • May 27, 2005

  • Commission Issues 18 LPFM Points Decisions.
    MO&O orders were released May 27, 2005.
  • March 17, 2005

  • Creation of a Low Power FM Radio Service, Second Order on Reconsideration and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, MM Docket 99-25, FCC 05-75, released March 17, 2005.
    Document: [ PDF | Word ].
    Copps: [ PDF | Word ].   Adelstein: [ PDF | Word ].
    FCC to Consider Options for Expanding, Strengthening LPFM Service, News Release, March 17, 2005: [ PDF | Word ].
  • February 2, 2005

  • FCC Announces Agenda for Low Power FM Forum To Be Held February 8, 2005, DA 05-288, released February 2, 2005. [ PDF | Word ].
  • January 24, 2005

  • FCC Announces Low Power FM Forum To Be Held February 8, 2005, DA 05-165, released January 24, 2005. [ PDF | Word ].
  • February 19, 2004

  • Report to Congress on the Low Power FM Interference Testing Program - Pub.L. No. 106-553, released February 19, 2004. [ PDF | Word ]
  • January 28, 2004

  • Closed Groups of Pending Low Power FM Mutually Exclusive Applications Accepted for Filing, Public Notice, DA 04-123, released January 28, 2004. [ PDF | Word ] Attachment: [ PDF | Excel ] Mutually exclusive groups listed are from Windows I, II, and III.
  • November 7, 2003

  • Filing Locations for Settlement Agreements for Window IV Low Power FM Applications, DA 03-3570, released November 7, 2003. [ PDF | Word ]
  • October 1, 2003

  • Settlement Period Announced for Closed Groups of Pending Low Power FM Mutually Exclusive Applications Filed In Window IV, Public Notice, DA 03-3009, released October 1, 2003. [ PDF | Word ] Attachment: [ PDF | Excel ] Eligible mutually exclusive applicants (listed in the attachment) may file settlement agreements, minor change amendments, or channel change amendments to break conflicts between LPFM applications. Settlements or amendments must be filed no later than December 5, 2003. The LPFM Channel Finder is available to assist eligible applicants in finding potentially suitable channels.
  • August 28, 2003

  • Settlement Period Announced for Closed Groups of Pending Low Power FM Mutually Exclusive Applications Filed In Windows I, II, and III, Public Notice, DA 03-2744, released August 28, 2003. [ PDF | Word ] Attachment: [ PDF | Excel ] Eligible mutually exclusive applicants (listed in the attachment) may file settlement agreements, minor amendments, or channel change amendments to break conflicts between LPFM applications. Settlements or amendments must be filed no later than October 31, 2003. The LPFM Channel Finder has been reactivated to assist eligible applicants in finding potentially available channels.
  • July 11, 2003

  • Comment Sought on the Mitre Corporation's Technical Report, "Experimental Measurements of the Third-Adjacent Channel Impacts of Low Power FM Stations" [MM Docket 99-25], Public Notice, DA 03-2277, released July 11, 2003. [ PDF | Word ] Mitre Report Entry in ECFS (6/30/2003) ] Comments were originally due by September 12, 2003, but by Order, DA 03-2767, released August 29, 2003 [ PDF | Word ] the comment deadline was extended to October 14, 2003.
  • April 17, 2003

  • Notice of Acceptance of Low Power FM Broadcast Applications and Notification of Petition to Deny Deadline, Report No. LPFM-S-8, released April 17, 2003. [ PDF | Word ] Petitions to deny the listed applications and minor amendments must be filed no later than May 19, 2003.
  • March 17, 2003

  • Low Power FM New Station Applications Dismissed for Failure to Comply with Third-adjacent Channel Protection Requirements, Public Notice, DA 03-794, released March 17. 2003. [ PDF | Word ]
  • February 13, 2003

  • Notice of Acceptance of Low Power FM Broadcast Applications and Notification of Petition to Deny Deadline, Report No. LPFM-S-7, released February 13, 2003. [ PDF | Word ] Petitions to deny the listed applications and minor amendments must be filed no later than March 17, 2003.
  • October 16, 2002

  • Notice of Acceptance of Low Power FM Broadcast Applications and Notification of Petition to Deny Deadline, Report No. LPFM-S-6, released October 16, 2002. [ PDF | Word | Text ] Petitions to deny the listed applications must be filed no later than November 15, 2002. List consists of applications mainly from Nebraska, New Mexico, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Washington. If an application from NE, NM, NC, PA, or WA did not appear on this list, the application either (1) conflicts with another timely filed application, or (2) has some serious defect.
  • September 19, 2002

  • Notice Regarding FCC Certification of EAS Decoder . Public Notice, DA 02-2312, 67 FR 65321, released September 19, 2002 [ PDF | Word | Text ]. The deadline date for LPFM stations to install EAS decoders is October 24, 2003.
  • September 9, 2002

  • Media Bureau to Open Low Power FM Major Amendment Window from October 28 through November 1, 2002 for Certain Pending New Station Applications, Public Notice, DA 02-2178, released September 9, 2002 [ PDF | Word | Text ].
  • September 6, 2002

  • Notice of Acceptance of Low Power FM Broadcast Applications and Notification of Petition to Deny Deadline, Report No. LPFM-S-5, released September 6, 2002. [ PDF | Word | Text ] Petitions to deny the listed applications must be filed no later than October 7, 2002. List consists of applications mainly from Alabama, Arkansas, Guam, Kentucky, Massachusetts, and Montana. If an application from AL, AR, GU, KY, MA, or MT did not appear on this list, the application either (1) conflicts with another timely filed application, or (2) has some serious defect.
  • May 23, 2002

  • Notice of Acceptance of Low Power FM Broadcast Applications and Notification of Petition to Deny Deadline, Report No. LPFM-S-4, released May 23, 2002. [ PDF | Word | Text ] Petitions to deny the listed applications must be filed no later than June 24, 2002. List consists of applications mainly from Oregon, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, U.S. Virgin Islands, and West Virginia. If an application from OR, TN, TX, VT, VI, or WV did not appear on this list, the application either (1) conflicts with another timely filed application, or (2) has some serious defect.

  • March 11, 2002
  • Notice of Acceptance of Low Power FM Broadcast Applications and Notifications of Petition to Deny Deadline, Public Notice, Report No. LPFM-S-3, released March 11, 2002. [ PDF | Word | Text ].
  • February 8, 2002

  • Greg Ruggerio v. FCC, Case No. 00-1100 (D.C. Cir. Feb. 8, 2002) [ HTML ]. Provision in LPFM rules implementing statutory provision disqualifying from eligibility any party who ever engaged in unlicensed broadcasting is declared unconstitutional.
  • August 16, 2001

  • Notice of Acceptance of Low Power FM Broadcast Applications and Notifications of Petitions to Deny Deadline, Report No. LPFM-S-2, released August 16, 2001. MS Word 97 only.
  • July 10, 2001

  • July 10, 2001 Broadcast Applications Public Notice, Report No.25023, contains a list of LPFM applications received in the June 2000 application filing window. Use your browser's search feature to look for "BNPL".
  • April 2001

  • Information About Your LPFM Permit (April 2001) -- Information sheet that is sent with granted LPFM construction permits. MS Word 97 only.
  • April 10, 2001

  • Low Power FM Filing Window (FCC to Accept Window 4 and Window 5 Low Power FM Applications from June 11 through June 15, 2001). Window opened for proposed facilities in Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Guam, Iowa, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, U.S. Virgin Islands, Vermont, Washington, and West Virginia., Public Notice, DA 01-904, released April 10, 2001.
  • April 2, 2001

  • Creation of a Low Power Radio Service, Second Report and Order, FCC 01-100, released April 2, 2001. [ PDF | Word | Text ].
  • April 2, 2001

  • FCC Adopts Revised LPFM Order; Codifies Third Adjacent Channel Interference Protection Standards, News Release, released April 2, 2001.
  • December 21, 2000

  • "Notice of Acceptance of Low Power FM Broadcast Applications and Notifications of Petitions to Deny Deadline", Report No. LPFM-S-1, released December 21, 2000.
  • December 15, 2000

  • Low Power FM Filing Window -- FCC to accept Low Power FM Applications January 16 through January 22, 2001 for American Samoa, Colorado, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Missouri, New York, Ohio, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Wisconsin, Public Notice, DA 00-2831, released December 15, 2000.

  • September 28, 2000
  • Creation of Low Power Radio Service, Memorandum Opinion and Order on Reconsideration, MM Docket 99-25, FCC 00-349, released September 28, 2000. MS Word 97, Adobe PDF.
  • September 22, 2000

  • FCC Adopts Reconsideration Order For Low Power FM Radio: Affirms Provisions of Original Order; Institutes Protection for Radio Reading Services and Interference Complaint Procedure, News Release, September 22, 2000.
  • September 15, 2000

  • "FCC Receives 473 Low Power FM Applications in Second Filing Window", News Release, released September 15, 2000.
  • July 28, 2000
  • Low Power FM Filing Window [August 28 - September 1, 2000], Public Notice, DA 00-1697, released July 28, 2000. [ PDF | Word | Text ].

  • June 21, 2000

  • Broadcast Actions Public Notice Containing List of LPFM Applications Received, released June 21, 2000.
  • June 5, 2000
    Low Power FM Application Filing Window Deadline Extended [Through June 8, 2000], Public Notice, DA 00-1263, released June 5, 2000 (MS Word 97 only). Extension provided due to difficulties with electronic filing. (Note: Do not expect any similar extension for later LPFM windows.)

    May 26, 2000

  • Low Power FM Filing Window Instructions, Public Notice, DA 00-1175, released May 26, 2000. [ PDF | Word | Text ].
  • April 28, 2000

  • Low Power FM Filing Window - FCC To Accept Low Power FM Applications May 30 through June 5, 2000 for Alaska, California, District of Columbia, Georgia, Indiana, Louisiana, Maine, Mariana Islands, Maryland, Oklahoma, Rhode Island and Utah, Public Notice, DA 00-914, released April 28, 2000. [ PDF | Word | Text ].
  • April 28, 2000

  • Low Power FM: An Applicant's GuidePDF | PowerPoint97 | En Español: PDF | En Español: PowerPoint97 ]. Not up to date.
  • January 27, 2000

  • Report and Order in MM Docket 99-25, FCC 00-19, released January 27, 2000. [ PDF | Word | Text ]. This document contains an explanation of the LPFM application process and related considerations. Related items (MS Word 97 documents):
  • March 29, 2000

  • "Low Power FM Radio Service: Allegations and Facts". Factsheet, March 29, 2000.