Innovations in Education: Creating Strong Supplemental Educational Services Programs
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Appendix C: Resources


American Association of School Administrators (AASA). AASA compiles resources and best practices to support implementation of NCLB, including relevant articles and organizations.

Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). CCSSO's Web site includes a section on NCLB, highlighting a variety of resources, including the SEA Toolkit on Supplemental Educational Services (http://www.ccsso. org/Federal_Programs/nclb/3349.cfm). The Toolkit provides suggested criteria, tools, and advice for state education agencies to use in approving supplemental educational service providers.

Early Implementation of Supplemental Educational Services Under the No Child Left Behind Act: One Year Report. This April 2004 report by the U.S. Department of Education offers an in-depth look at early SES implementation through case studies of six states and nine school districts. The study intention ally included states and districts that were relatively far along in their implementation; so while they are not representative of implementation nationwide, they offer useful insights. The report is available online:

Harvard Family Research Project (HFRP) Out-of-School Time (OST) Program Evaluation Database. This database is a searchable compilation of HFRP-written profiles of evaluations of OST programs and initiatives. It provides accessible information about evaluation work on both large and small OST programs to support the development of high-quality evaluations and programs in the out- of-school time field.

National Governors Association (NGA). The NGA has an initiative on "Extra Learning Opportunities," including tutoring. The NGA's Center for Best Practices provides assistance to states and publishes resource materials.,1188,D_363,00.html

National Institute on Out-of-School Time (NIOST). NIOST provides information and research reports on out- of-school time, including an annual Fact Sheet. It also provides training for directors and staff, school administrators, community leaders, and others committed to -providing high-quality after school programs for children and youth.

Supplemental Educational Services Quality Center. This project of the American Institutes for Research provides technical assistance at the local and state level through a network of demonstration districts and states The Center Web site will present "lessons learned," tools, and other resources for effective supplemental services implementation. The Center also facilitates a national network of organizations to coordinate and improve research and assistance on supplemental services.

Supplemental Educational Services Webcast. This series of Web-based video segments about SES implementation was developed to inform the staff of state and local education agencies who guide and support the work of schools. Produced by the U. S. Department of Education, the segments include an overview of SES implementation and a panel discussion with three SES practitioners.

Resources for Engaging Parents

Black Alliance for Educational Options (BAEO). Founded in 2000, BAEO is a national, nonprofit organization that actively supports parental choice to empower families and to increase educational options for black children. BAEO has been funded by the U.S. Department of Education to develop a public information campaign to reach parents about the choices available to them under NCLB, and it currently works through 30 local chapters in 20 states.

Committee for Hispanic Children and Families, Inc. (CHCF). The organization was founded in 1982 by a group of Latino health and human service professionals to improve the quality of life for Latino children and families and their communities. Its mission is to help educators and health professionals communicate with Latino parents in culturally sensitive ways. The Committee develops and implements outreach programs for low-income families and children in youth development and education.

Education Resource Organization Directory (EROD). Districts can search this large, U. S. Department of Education-sponsored database to find local agencies and organizations whose purpose is to create connections with parents and inform them about educational options.

Greater Educational Options (GEO) Foundation. GEO was founded in 1998 with the goal of making educational choice a reality through extensive community outreach and educational awareness programs. Focusing primarily on Indiana and Colorado, GEO maintains a Web-based parent information and resource center.http://www.

Hispanic Council for Reform and Educational Options (CREO). Founded in 2001, CREO is dedicated to improving educational outcomes for Hispanic children by empowering families through parental choice in education. Hispanic CREO has parent organizers on staff. In 2004, with funding from the U.S. Department of Education, it created Project CREO 2004 to reach out to Latino parents in five urban communities with high concentration of Hispanics (Austin, Dallas , and San Antonio, Texas; Miami, Florida; and Camden, New Jersey) for the express purpose of raising parents' awareness about NCLB's school choice and SES provisions.

The National Coalition for Parent Involvement in Education (NCPIE). Founded in 1980 as an advocacy group for parents, NCPIE also offers a database of resources and organizations that support outreach to parents. Coalition members include parent organizations, foundations, and national education groups representing teachers and administrators. The coalition monitors legislation, initiates projects, and shares information and ideas about parent involvement in public education. NCPIE's recent publication, Helping Parents & Your Community Better Understand No Child Left Behind, is a set of action briefs that provide useful information about the major themes covered in NCLB in parent-friendly language.

Parent Information Resource Center (PIRC). Funded through a discretionary grant program of the U.S. Department of Education Office of Innovation and Improvement (OII) under Parent Options and Information, PIRCs have operated since 1995 to support parent involvement in Title I schools. Their mission is to provide parents, schools, and organizations with training, information, and technical assistance to understand how children develop and what they need to succeed in school. More than 70 PIRCs across the country work closely with parents, educators, and community-based organizations to strengthen partnerships that support children in reaching high academic standards. PIRCs are ideally positioned to help school districts get the SES word out to parents of eligible students.

U.S. Department of Education, Office of Innovation and Improvement (OII). OII's Web site includes pdf versions of an SES poster and brochure that districts can tailor for their own use.

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Last Modified: 04/29/2009