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The Department of Justice Mission in Iraq

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Multi National Forces Iraq

Resident Legal Advisors (RLAs)

Iraq is divided into regions: Tahuk, Ninewa, Arbil, Al Tamim, As Sulaymaniyah, Al Anbar, Salah Ad Din, Diyala, Baghdad, Karbala, Babil, Wasit, Au Najaf, Al Qadisiyah, Maysan, Thi Qar, Al Muthana, and Al Basrah. Each region is supported by a provincial reconstruction team, several of which include Justice Department advisors.Resident Legal Advisors (RLAs) further the Justice Department mission through their work in the provinces of Iraq.  Currently, Iraq is divided into 20 regions, each of which receives assistance from a Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT).  These teams facilitate coordination by the USG with the Government of Iraq (GoI), combining civilian and military efforts to reconstruct and increase the capacity of Iraq’s regional governments.  Justice Department RLAs play a significant role in the PRTs by helping to establish programs that establish the rule of law throughout Iraq by aiding in reconciliation and counterinsurgency efforts and accelerating the transition to Iraqi self-reliance.

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