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Silica, Crystalline Silica, Crystalline
Exposure Evaluation

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Construction For information related to construction, see OSHA's
Silica, Crystalline - Construction page.
The following references aid in evaluating silica exposures in the workplace.
  • Silica. OSHA eTool. Provides instruction to evaluate silica exposure in the workplace, to obtain a measurement of silica concentration, to determine allowable levels and to take protective measures.
  • Kane F. The campaign to end silicosis. Job Safety & Health Quarterly (JSHQ). 1997 Winter/Spring. Discusses the national education campaign, "If It's Silica, It's Not Just Dust."
  • Exposure to Silica Dust on Continuous Mining Operations Using Flooded-Bed Scrubbers. US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Publication No. 97-147, (1997, August). Describes the hazard of silica exposures when flooded-bed scrubbers are designed improperly, and provides recommendations.
  • Silica Crystalline: Quartz - Analytical Methodologies. OSHA, (2003). Reviews analytical methods for silica.
  • OSHA Technical Manual (OTM). OSHA Directive TED 01-00-015 [TED 1-0.15A], (1999, January 20).
  • Cyclone Leak Test Procedure. OSHA, (1997, September 15). Describes a method of leak testing cyclone sampler assemblies used for respirable sampling of silica.
  • Silica Industrial Hygiene Monitoring - OSHA Consultation Program. OSHA, (1994, August), 39 KB PDF, 3 pages. Shows the x-ray diffraction pattern - quartz standard, and other information for evaluating silica.
  • Issues and Controversy: The Measurement of Crystalline Silica. International Symposium, (1992, August 20-21). Includes a paper entitled "Evaluation of the Detectability and Quantification of Respirable Crystalline Silica by X-ray Powder Diffraction Methods."
  • Overview of Analytical Procedure. OSHA, 2 MB PDF, 1 page. Shows a flow chart for the handling of silica samples.
  • Laboratory Selection - Criteria That Can Be Used to Select a Laboratory. American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA), Industrial Hygiene Laboratory Accreditation Committee, 182 KB PDF, 9 pages. Includes a checklist and questionnaire that can be used when selecting a laboratory.
Sampling and Analysis
Analytical Methods
  • Quartz and Cristobalite in Workplace Atmospheres. OSHA Method ID-142, (1996, December). Describes the collection of airborne respirable α-quartz and/or cristobalite in the breathing zone of personnel and the subsequent analysis by x-ray diffraction (XRD). Tridymite can also be collected and analyzed using this method if a reference material and diffraction pattern for tridymite are used.
  • Sampling and Analysis of Crystalline Silica - X-ray Diffraction (XRD). OSHA, (1997, June 27). Provides extensive sampling information, including links and frequently asked questions (FAQs).
  • NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods (NMAM). US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Publication No. 94-113, (1994, August). Contains extensive information on direct-reading instruments. The following NIOSH methods use direct-reading techniques:
    • Silica, Crystalline by XRD. Method No.7500, 35 KB PDF, 8 pages.
    • Silica, Amorphous. Method No. 7501, 29 KB PDF, 8 pages.
    • Silica, Crystalline by VIS. Method No. 7601, 23 KB PDF, 5 pages.
    • Silica, Crystalline by IR. Method No. 7602, 22 KB PDF, 5 pages.
    • Silica, Crystalline in coal mine dust, by IR. Method No. 7603, 26 KB PDF, 6 pages.
  • Quartz Analytical Method (P-7), Infrared Determination of Quartz in Respirable Coal Mine Dust. Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), (1994, November 14). This method uses infrared to determine the silica content of a sample.
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Content Reviewed 05/30/2008

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