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HR Information Systems Applications

web patsInformation Systems Applications


"Web" Personnel Action Tracking System
REE Personnel Action Tracking System – Have you submitted a request for a personnel or payroll document to be processed? Do you want to know who, where and when?? This is the application with the answer.

  • Registered users may access the application to review the status of payroll and personnel request documents.

  • The WebPats User Guide details how to logon to the system and use the available functions.

  • Access is available to REE Mission area employees whose duties include administrative and personnel related responsibilities.

  • To become a registered user, complete the ARIS registration form, selecting WebPats as the application you want to access. The registration form is available to REE employees on the AFM/HRD website.

Accessing ARS HRD Applications

Last Updated: 03/29/2007