May 7, 2009       

Alaska Interagency Hotshot Crews

Alaska Fire Service is home to the Midnight Sun and the Chena Interagency Hotshot Crews (IHC). IHC are highly trained and organized primary fire suppression crews consisting of 1 Crew Superintendent, 1 Assistant Superintendent, 4 Module Leaders, and 14 crewmembers. Crewmember positions are filled at the GS-3, GS-4 and GS-5 levels depending upon the applicant’s prior experience and training and available openings. Previous experience is not mandatory but is highly desirable. Work will be of a hard, physical nature.

Most work will be outdoors in conditions of heat, cold, wet, wind, dust and smoke. While in the field, housing may consist of a tent and meals may be field rations. Hotshots can expect to be living under primitive field conditions for weeks at a time and away from the home base for up to 3 months at a time. When crews are not on fire assignment, work will consist of a variety of conservation and resource enhancement projects such as prescribed fire, hazard fuel reduction, trail construction and rehabilitation, and building maintenance or construction. During a two week initial training period, crewmembers will participate in classroom and physical fitness training meeting national Type I Crew standards.

Applicants should be in excellent physical condition and must meet established fitness standards as a condition of continued employment. Those who fail to meet these standards will be dropped from the program. The period of employment begins in mid-May and may last as long as November or as short as August. Work hours are 8 hours/day; 40 hours/week while not on fire assignment and may be up to 16 hours/day, 7 days/week while on fire assignment.

  • Fitness Standards for Type I Crewmembers (Hotshots)

As part of the fire line performance required of IHCs, the physical ability to perform arduous labor is critical to crew morale and personal health and safety standards. All candidates will be required to complete the Pack Test, which consists of a three mile hike with a 45 pound pack in 45 minutes or less. Additionally, all IHC personnel will strive to meet the following fitness goals:

  • 1.5 mile run               10:30 minutes or less
  • Sit-ups                      40 in 60 seconds
  • Push-ups                   25 in 60 seconds
  • Pull-ups                     7 for body weight 110 lbs. or less
  •                                 6 for body weight 110 lbs. to 135 lbs.
  •                                 5 for body weight 135 lbs. to 170 lbs.
  •                                 4 for body weight 170 and above

Validated physical fitness studies indicate it will require a minimum of six weeks training for a person to be able to achieve the standards listed above. Most Hotshot positions traditionally start work the first week of May. Potential Hotshots should begin physical training no later than six weeks prior to that date.

Most Hotshot positions become available during December and January but opening and closing dates vary. Please check USAJOBS: for updated information.

If you are interested in applying for a Hotshot job, submit an application to USAJOBS:

You may also contact Alaska Fire Service Human Resource office at 907.356.5786 for information on hiring procedures for each season. For further information contact the Hotshot program at 1.800.258.7706.

 Midnight Sun IHC Dave Matier 907-356-5633             Chena IHC Chris Marabetta 907-356-5662

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