May 7, 2009       

Fire Specialist Section (FSS)

The Fire Specialist Section (FSS) is looking for individuals who are ready to step up and take on one of the most unique and challenging jobs within the wildland fire community. A Fire Specialist must be adaptable, reliable and motivated in a wide variety of ever changing situations.

  • Who We Are

The AFS Branch of Fire Operations maintains twenty fire specialists stationed at Fort Wainwright in Fairbanks. The Fire Specialists (FS) are the primary pool of personnel available to support the AFS Fire Management Zones and cooperators in suppression, aviation, and prescribed fire activities. The Alaska field season typically runs from April to September with assignments to the Lower 48 likely as fire danger here moderates. We also provide training developers and instructors in fire operations and aviation management, as well as managing the emergency fire fighter (EFF) Helicopter Crewmember Program.

  • Detailer Program (Cancelled for 2009 season)

The FSS Program will be hosting a limited number of DOI fire personnel for a twelve week detail in 2008. This is an opportunity for fire managers to develop their employees with quality Alaska fire and aviation training and experience. Select the following link for more information on the FS Detailer Program including a FS Detailer application form.

  • What We Do

Fire Specialists primarily respond to extended attack fires within Alaska, and during high fire activity Initial Attack fires also. Typical fire assignmentsinclude: Firefighter, Strike Team Leader, Task Force Leader, Division Supervisor, Air Operations, Crew Representative, and Incident Commander. Some Fire Specialists fulfill positions on Type 1, 2, and 3 Teams. Fire Specialists commonly deploy to details in the Lower 48 and extended fire assignments. While not on fire assignment, Fire Specialists may perform project work such as: Prescribed fire, fireline equipment development, aviation mission planning, training coordination and support, and instructing fire and aviation courses.

  • Training We Offer

Due to the multi-faceted aspect of the Fire Specialist Section, extensive classroom and on the job training is conducted prior to the active fire season. Fire Specialists are proactive in preparing individuals for a variety of fire and aviation management positions through quality experience and training. An average first-year Fire Specialist attends four to six weeks of training. Individuals who are either Crew Boss or Helicopter Boss / Helicopter Manager qualified are at an ideal level of experience for entry-level Fire Specialist positions. FSS Training is an intensive two-week course taught by more than a dozen instructors. FSS Training offers the following courses:

  • Alaska Orientation
  • Alaska Staging Areas and Spike Camps
  • Initial Attack Incident Commander
  • Camp Management and Logistics
  • Supervisory Concepts and Techniques
  • Type 3 Incident Management Team use
  • Alaska Fire Behavior
  • Map and compass use
  • Helicopter Operations
  • Communication systems
  • Aerial Detection
  • 8 hr Interactive Fire Management Simulation

First year Fire Specialists begin work around the first of April. Depending on training needs, this date may be earlier. Alaska Fire Service maintains an ambitious fire and aviation training schedule. An Interagency Training Center is located on the AFS campus. To see the current training schedule, follow the Fire Training link from the AFS homepage.

  • Hiring

The Fire Specialists usually hire 2 to 4 positions yearly. Announcements are usually advertised in December and January of each year on USA Jobs website.

  • Physical Fitness

Fire Specialists are required to participate in a daily physical training program. All candidates will be required to complete the Work Capacity Test at the Arduous level, which consists of a three mile hike with a 45 pound pack in 45 minutes or less. Additionally, candidates will be encouraged to meet the following fitness goals:

  • Run                           1.5 miles in 11:30 or less
  • Sit-ups                      45 in 60 secs
  • Push-ups                   30 in 60 secs
  • Pull-ups                     7

  • Housing and Food

Housing is available at BLM barracks while stationed at Fort Wainwright. The barracks are set up as single rooms with shared bathrooms and are supplied with bedding and towels. Meals are available at the dining hall. Housing at field stations will range from elaborate to rustic. All field stations have a mess hall, but you may be required to do your own cooking at some of them.

  Additonal inquiries can be e-mailed to Mike Roos or phone 907.356.5668

Employment Information
Statewide Aviation Office
Safety Management
Business and Technology
Fire Operations
North Star Fire Crew
Interagency Hotshot Crews
Fire Specialist Section (FSS)
Wildland Fire Training
Fire Duty in Alaska
Fire Management / Planning
Documents / Links
Fire Effects / Ecology
Prescribed Fire
Alaska Interagency Coordination Center (AICC)
Intelligence / Reports
Fire Weather
Maps / Imagery / Geospatial