U.S. Department of Justice

  • 2010 Budget:  $24,031 million
  • Enacted 2009:  $25,549 million

The President’s Fiscal Year 2010 Budget includes $24 billion for the Department of Justice.  However, the program funding level requested is $26.7 billion, which is offset with spending limitations from the Crime Victims Fund ($2.4 billion) and the Asset Forfeiture Fund ($285 million).  The budget addresses the President’s and the Attorney General’s key priorities, including those for National Security and crime-fighting programs in the FBI and other Justice Department components.  In light of the financial crisis, this funding provides resources for additional FBI agents to investigate mortgage fraud and white collar crime, and for added federal prosecutors, civil litigators, and bankruptcy attorneys.  The budget funds the COPS hiring program to begin hiring 50,000 more police, reinvigorates federal civil rights enforcement, adequately funds prison and detention programs to include prisoner re-entry programs, and increases border security. 


  • Counters the threat of terrorism and protects the American people.  The budget provides $7.8 billion for the FBI, including $455 million in enhancements and $101 million to continue supporting overseas contingency operations, as well as $88 million for the National Security Division, to address the President’s highest priority to ensure the American people are protected from terrorist acts.  Funding supports the detection and disruption of terrorist, counterintelligence, cyber, and all other threats against our national security.


  • Provides funding to start putting 50,000 more cops on the beat.  The budget includes $298 million to begin hiring 50,000 additional police officers. Supporting the hiring of police nationwide will help states and communities prevent the growth of crime during the economic downturn.
  • Supports Federal detention and incarceration programs. The budget provides $6 billion for the Bureau of Prisons and $1.4 billion for the Office of the Detention Trustee to ensure that sentenced criminals and detainees are housed in facilities that are safe, humane, cost-efficient, and appropriately secure.
  • Expands prisoner reentry programs: The budget includes $114 million for prisoner reentry programs, including an additional $75 million to expand programs authorized by the Second Chance Act that provide counseling, drug treatment, and other transitional assistance to former prisoners.
  • Reinvigorates federal civil rights enforcement. The budget includes $145 million, for the Civil Rights Division to strengthen civil rights enforcement against racial, ethnic, sexual orientation, religious, and gender discrimination.


  • Combats financial fraud. The budget provides resources for additional FBI agents to investigate mortgage fraud and white-collar crime and for additional federal prosecutors, civil litigators and bankruptcy attorneys to protect investors, the market, the federal government’s investment of resources in the financial crisis, and the American public.


  • Strengthens immigration enforcement and border security.  The budget includes an additional $286 million for a comprehensive approach to enforcement along our borders that combines law enforcement and prosecutorial component efforts to investigate arrest, detain, and prosecute illegal immigrants and other criminals.  The initiative also enhances the Department’s ability to track fugitives from justice and combat gunrunners and illegal drug traffickers.