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Noxious Weeds

Acres of Noxious Weeds on BLM-Managed Lands in Idaho

Noxious weeds are undesirable and potentially harmful plants that are spreading at an alarming rate throughout the western United States. Most noxious weeds are "exotic" plants that are native to Europe and Asia. They became established in the United States as settlement and commerce expanded in the mid-1800's. Noxious weeds are spreading widely because they have few native insects or diseases to control their growth, and because they can out-compete native plants in many areas.

Noxious weeds are becoming a severe threat to biological systems in the West. About 8.5 million acres of the 180 million acres of BLM-managed land are seriously infested with noxious weeds, according to a 1996 inventory. These non-native plant species can destroy the land's potential and impact many sectors of our economy, destroying wildlife habitat and lowering forage use, and adversely affecting hunting, fishing, livestock grazing, crop production, and other recreational and commercial uses.

Although the weed problem is already significant, it has the potential to become much worse; noxious weeds are estimated to be spreading at the rate of about 2,300 acres per day on federal lands alone in the western United States. The challenge is to contain existing weed infestations and to prevent weeds from spreading to unaffected areas. BLM is working in cooperation with federal and state agencies, county governments, and private landowners to identify and control these invasive plants before they degrade ecosystems and damage land productivity.

In Idaho, BLM is working closely with the Idaho Department of Agriculture (IDA) and county governments to combat noxious weeds in Idaho. BLM participates with state and local governments in establishing Cooperative Weed Management Areas, which can utilize local, state and federal resources to inventory and treat weed infestations on public and private lands. Idaho's American Indian Tribes also support and participate in these and other efforts. BLM is also helping to fund the establishment at IDA of a statewide database of noxious weed locations. The database is an important step in developing a cohesive strategy for reducing the noxious weeds in Idaho.

Acres of Noxious Weeds on BLM-Managed
Lands in Idaho

SpeciesInfested Acres
Infested Acres
Acroptilon repens (Russian knapweed)8,36713,764
Cardaria draba (White top)1,9864,335
Carduus nutans (Musk thistle)11,36719,545
Centaurea diffusa (Diffuse knapweed)24,44491,378
Centaurea maculosa (Spotted knapweed)20,68043,600
Centaurea solstitialis (Yellow starthistle)5,1027,102
Chondrilla juncea (Rush skeletonweed)22,31585,330
Chrysanthemum leucanthemum (Oxeye daisy)1004,300
Cirsium arvense (Canada thistle)22,40237,682
Cirsium vulgare (Bull thistle)3151,400
Convolvulus arvensis (Field bindweed)10300
Crupina vulgaris (Common crupina)60200
Cynoglossum officinale (Hounds tongue)100400
Cytisus scoparius (Scotch broom)4300
Euphorbia esula (Leafy spurge)59,43174,489
Hieracium aurantium (Orange hawkweed)20900
Hieracium pratense (Yellow hawkweed)3002,800
Hypericum perforatum (St. Johnswort)9003,800
Hyoscyamus niger (Black henbane)1,6261,573
Linaria genistifolia (Dalmation toadflax)4212,136
Linaria vulgaris (Yellow toadflax)346104
Potentilla recta (Suphur cinquefoil)4004,600
Tanacetum vulgare (Common tansy)65900
Onopordum acanthuim (Scotch thistle)1,3303,000
Lythrun salicaria (Purple loosestrife)205152
Tamarix ramosissima (Salt cedar)349
Taeniatherum capt-medusae ( Medusa head)70114,167
Conium maculatum (Poison hemlock)2461,754
Isatis tinctoria (Dyer's woad)9901,177
Aegilops cylindrica (Jointed goatgrass)22021
Lepidium latifolium (Perennial pepperweed)200300
Tribulus terrestris (Puncture vine)300