
The table below provides links to selected portions of the Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS - State laws) and the Nevada Administrative Code (NAC).

NRS:  The "Links" to NRS open individual pages for each major statute.  These pages provide an index of the referenced statute with links that point directly to the statutes (in HTML format) contained on the Legislative Counsel Bureaus website, i.e., the Nevada State Legislature.

NAC:  The Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) is the State of Nevada's code of state regulations.2  The LINKS to the NACs point directly to the Legislative Counsel Bureau's (LCB) website, and most of the links point directly to the NAC subsections on each webpage. Please note, however, because some of the pages on LCB's website are large, download time can be problematic particularly for users with 56KB modems.

It's also worth mentioning that NDEP is often involved in the rule making process, particularly after each biennial legislative session. In this process, regulations are adopted and in effect, yet have not been codified into the online NACs available on LCB's website noted above. Nevertheless, these adopted regulations are available on the State Environmental Commission's (SEC) web site.

As way of background, in Nevada, the Legislature meets every two years with the session starting in February of the odd numbered year (e.g. 2005) and ending around May or June. When NDEP proposed new regulations, which typically result from new legislations, federal mandates and program enhancements, the agency "processes" the regulations through a legal system involving the State Environmental Commission and the legal division of the Legislative Counsel Bureau. Once the regulations are adopted they are also listed on LCB's (Register of Administrative Regulations) as well as the SEC website mentioned above.

Download Problems: As noted above, some web pages on LCB's website are large and may take some time to download and/or may overwhelm a user's browser – if your browser "stalls," try hitting the stop button – this may allow the webpage to load properly.

Nevada Revised Statutes
Nevada Administrative Code

Topical Areas
40.501 - 40.512 No NAC Exists Environmental Impairment of Real Collateral of Secured Lender(1)
41.540 - 41.570 No NAC Exists Private Actions to Enforce Statutory or Regulatory
Controls for Environmental Protection (1)
233B. - ALL  233B  Administrative Procedures Act - (1)
278.335 - 278.377 278.010 - 278.530 Subdivision of Land (DWR, HEALTH)
*444.440 - 444.645 444.570 - 444.7499 Disposal of Solid Waste
*459.400 - 459.600 444.842 - 444.8482 Facilities for Management of Hazardous Waste
*459.400 - 459.600 444.850 - 444.8746 Disposal of Hazardous Waste
*459.400 - 459.600 444.8752- 444.8788 Program for Reduction of Hazardous or Industrial Waste
*459.400 - 459.600 444.940 - 444.9555 Polychlorinated Biphenyl
459.400 - 459.600 444.960 Limits on Hazardous Waste Facility Permits
*459.400 - 459.600 444.965 - 444.976 Disposal of Asbestos
444A.010 - 444A.110 444A.005 - 444A.470 Recycling
444A.420 445A.118 - 445A.225 Water Quality Standards
445A.425, 445A.430,
445A.0552 - 445A.067 Water Quality Laboratory Certification
*445A.300-445A.730 445A.070 - 445A.117
445a.226 - 445A.348
Water Pollution Control Program
445A.300 - 445A.730 445A.350 - 445A.447 Mining Facilities
445A.060 - 445A.190 445A.685 - 445A.805 Sewer Loan Program
445A.265 - 445A.470 445A.810 - 445A.925 Underground Injection Control
*445B.100 - 445B.640 445B.001 - 445B.395 Air Pollution Control
445B.700 - 445B.845 445B.400 - 445B.775 Engine Emission Control (DMV & PS - SEC)
445B.200 - 445B.245 445B.875 - 445B.899 Practice Before the Commission
*445C.010 - 445C.140 445C.010 - 445C.140 Environmental Audit
459.380 - 459.3874 459.952 - 459.9542 Highly Hazardous Substances
*459.500, 459.535 459.970 - 459.9729 Consultant Certification
*459.610, 459.658 459.973 - 459.9743 Voluntary Cleanup
*459.800 - 459.856 459.9921 - 445.9995 Storage Tanks
486A.010 - 486A.180 486A.101 - 486A.250 Use of Alternative Fuels
519A.010 - 519A.240 519A.260 - 519A.280 519A.010 - 519A.415 Mining Regulation & Reclamation
590.700 - 590.920 590.700 - 590.790 Cleanup of Petroleum Discharges
618.775 444.965 - 444.976 Disposal of Asbestos
704.820 - 704.900 704.9063
704.9359 - 704-9361
Utility Environmental Protection Act (PSC)2

(1) No direct statutory or regulatory impact; provided only for information purposes.

(2)The Regulations are defined only with the context of electrical energy demand and supply.

* A requirement contained in NRS 444.440 to 444.645 inclusive; 445A.300 to 445A.730 inclusive, 445B.100 to 445B.640 inclusive, 459.400 to 459.856 inclusive; and 519A.010 to 519A.280 inclusive. These are the statutory areas applicable to NRS 445C -"Environmental Audits"

2  The Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) contain the State of Nevada's code of regulations. State regulations are defined under State law (NRS 233B.038) as an agency rule, standard, directive or statement of general applicability which effectuates or interprets (state) law or policy, or describes the organization, procedure or practice requirements of any agency. Of note, the NAC's have the same force of law as the NRS's

NOTE:  Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) Chapter 445 was revised into two chapters by the Legislative Counsel Bureau in November, 1994, Chapter 445A (Water Regulations) and Chapter 445B (Air Regulations); the NRS was revised into NRS 445A and NRS 445B in March, 1995.

 General Disclaimer:
The information contained on this webpage is for public use and every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy. While we try to keep the information timely and accurate, we make no expressed or implied guarantees.

NRS Page Index
NRS 278  ¦  NRS 233B  ¦   NRS 40  ¦  NRS 41  ¦  NRS 444  ¦   NRS 444A  ¦  NRS 445A  ¦  NRS 445B
  ¦  NRS 445C  ¦  NRS 459  ¦  NRS 486A  ¦  NRS 519A  ¦  NRS 590  ¦  NRS 618

Site Last Updated 09/05
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