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2008 ICE Annual Report Cover

Students/Exchange Visitors

June 16, 2005

Fact Sheet

SEVIS Reporting Requirements for Designated School Officials

As a Designated School Official (DSO), Federal law and regulations require you to update and maintain the SEVIS records of nonimmigrant students in F and M visa categories. Automatic SEVIS functions occur after the legal time limits to update student records. They do not extend the legal time limits and are not intended to replace timely action by a DSO to comply with reporting responsibilities. The following summarizes DSO reporting requirements and time limits for completing each task.

Reporting Requirement Time Limit Automatic SEVIS Function
Initial student reporting: All initial F-1 or M-1 students are required to report to a school official within 30 days of the Program Start Date. Update SEVIS to indicate whether or not the student has arrived and enrolled. Within 30 days of the Program Start Date, register the student record or terminate for no show.

Alert: Students in Initial Status with Port of Entry Records
SEVIS automatically terminates the student record if you fail to register the student.

Termination reason: No Show – System Termination
Initial student reporting without POE data: If an initial student record did not appear in the Alert for Students in Initial Status with Port of Entry Records or there is no POE information, update the record to indicate whether or not the student arrived and enrolled in classes. Within 30 days of the Program Start Date the student record must be registered or cancelled

Note: If you know that the student entered the country and has not enrolled for classes, terminate the student’s record for no show regardless of POE information.

List: Records in Initial Status
SEVIS automatically cancels the student record if you fail to register the student.
Active student reporting for each term or semester: Each new session, report whether or not an active student reported and enrolled in classes. Within 30 days of the Next Session Start Date, register the student record or terminate for Failure to Enroll.

Alert: Active Students Requiring Registration
SEVIS automatically terminates the student record if you fail to register the student.

Termination reason: Failure to Enroll
Draft student records for F 1 transfer students: After the Record Release Date for an F 1 student transferring to your school, update the draft transfer-in record to initial status by submitting the student’s information.

Note: This does not complete the F 1 transfer record reporting requirements.
Update the draft record to initial status after the Record Release Date, but prior to the Program Start Date.

List: Students in Transferred Status
SEVIS automatically terminates the student record if you fail to update the draft student record to initial status.

Termination reason: Transfer Student No Show
Initial records for F-1 transfer students: F 1 students transferring into a new school must report to you within 15 days of the Program Start Date. They may report earlier. Update the student’s record in SEVIS to indicate whether or not the student arrived and enrolled in classes. Register or terminate the student record for Transfer Student No Show within 30 days of the Program Start Date.

Alert: Transfer-in Students Not Registered by Program Start Date
SEVIS automatically terminates the initial student record if you fail to register the student.

Termination reason: Transfer Student No Show
Reporting requirements for M 1 transfers: When an M-1 is transferring to your school, you will have access to the record immediately after the transfer-out school completes the transfer request. Update the student’s record and print an initial Form I-20 as early as possible before the record release date. The student will submit this Form I-20 to USCIS along with the Form I-539.

The student must report to the school by the Program Start Date, even if the Form I-539 has not been adjudicated.
Update the student’s record from draft to initial as soon as you have access.

Register or terminate the student record for Transfer Student No Show within 30 days of the Program Start Date.

List: Students in Transferred Status
SEVIS automatically terminates the student record if you fail to update the draft student record to initial status in the system or if you fail to register the student.

Note: If the application is denied, the record will automatically be terminated for transfer denied and the student must leave the United States or return to the transfer-out school and file for reinstatement.

Termination reason: Transfer Student No Show
Reporting nonimmigrants changing to F 1 or M-1 status: All nonimmigrants changing to F 1 or M-1 status must report to a DSO once the change has been approved. Update the student’s initial record in SEVIS to indicate whether or not the student arrived and enrolled in classes.

Note: If a Change of Status is still pending as of the anticipated Program Start Date, you will need to defer attendance until the next earliest possible Program Start Date.
Register or terminate the student record for no show within 30 days of the Program Start Date.

Alert: Pending Change of Status
SEVIS automatically terminates any student record with a pending or approved Change of Status if you fail to register the student or if you do not defer attendance.
Reporting a student’s graduation and program completion: Report a student’s graduation or successful completion of the program by maintaining an accurate Program End Date.

Note: The Program End Date should not be updated to reflect post-completion OPT.
Update the active student’s Program End Date within 30 days.

Alert: Students Within 45 Days of Program End Date
SEVIS automatically completes any student record once the Program End Date or the OPT End Date has been reached (whichever is later).
General F 1 and M 1 record reporting requirements: Report any change in a student’s personal information or academic status including (but not limited to) disciplinary action by the school resulting from a criminal conviction, change of address, change of the student’s or dependant’s name, or early graduation. Make changes within 21 days.  

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) was established in March 2003 as the largest investigative arm of the Department of Homeland Security. ICE is comprised of five integrated divisions that form a 21st century law enforcement agency with broad responsibilities for a number of key homeland security priorities.
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