Air Quality Division: Plans

tucsonThe State Implementation Plan (SIP) is the cumulative record of all air pollution strategies, state statutes , state rules and local ordinances implemented under Title I of the Clean Air Act by governmental agencies within Arizona. Revisions to Arizona's SIP must be submitted to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by the director of the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) on behalf of the governor. Once approved by U.S. EPA and published in the Federal Register the provisions contained in the SIP revision become enforceable by the federal government as well as by the appropriate governmental entities of Arizona. The cumulative and complete record of SIP revisions that have been approved by U.S. EPA and federally enforceable in Arizona is called the "applicable Arizona SIP."

The first Arizona SIP submittal was in 1972. Because there have been so many changes to federal, state and local air quality programs over the years, there is not a single definitive document that contains all of the SIP requirements.

In addition to ADEQ, there are local air planning organizations that share in the responsibility of completing SIP requirements. The Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) and the Pima Association of Governments (PAG) are metropolitan planning organizations that have been delegated the responsibility to complete SIP revisions for their respective county areas.

ADEQ is in the process of posting recent SIP revisions on the Internet. To obtain copies of SIPs that are not posted please contact the Planning Unit at (602) 771-2373.

State implementation plans (SIP), statutes, ordinances and rules implemented under Title I of the Clean Air Act are continually being updated.