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Bioterrorism Security Risk Assessment Form and Instructions

The FD-961 Form

In order to perform a Bioterrorism security risk assessment, each individual who requires access to select agents and toxins, the entity’s Responsible Official (RO), the entity’s Alternate Responsible Official (ARO), and any individual who owns or controls the entity must submit a completed FBI Form FD-961 and two legible fingerprint cards printed by a local law enforcement agency to the FBI.

The fingerprint card packages consists of two fingerprint cards, general instructions, fingerprint instructions, and a pre-addressed return envelope. These packages can be obtained by faxing a request to the FBI at (304) 625-3984. The faxed request should include the following: the entity name, point of contact or RO, the correct mailing address, contact telephone number, and how many fingerprint card packets are requested.

In order for the security risk assessment to be processed in a timely manner, the FD-961 Form and two legible fingerprint cards must be returned to the FBI as one package. The FBI will not conduct a security risk assessment for an individual unless it has received a completed FD-961 Form and two legible fingerprint cards.

Completing the FD-961 Form

The term entity is defined as any government agency (federal, state, or local), university, corporation, company, partnership, association, firm, sole proprietorship, or other legal entity, including an individual acting on his or her own.

For the RO, ARO, and Individuals Who Require Access to Select Agents or Toxins

Each individual who requires access to select agents or toxins must complete Sections I, II, and III of the FD-961 Form.

For Individuals Who Own or Control the Entity/Corporate Officers

Each individual who owns or controls a private entity (academic, non-profit, commercial, or other) must complete Sections I, II, and III of the FD-961 Form. Individuals must indicate whether they are a corporate officer, board of director, and/or stock holder.

An individual will be deemed to own or control an entity under the following conditions:

  • For a private accredited academic institution, an individual will be deemed to own or control the entity if the individual is an officer, trustee, member of a board, or owner of the academic institution and is in a managerial or executive capacity with regard to the select agents or toxins possessed, used, or transferred by the entity.
  • For entities other than accredited academic institutions (public or private), an individual will be deemed to own or control an entity if the individual is a partner, officer, director, holder, or owner of 50 percent or more of its voting stock and is in a managerial or executive capacity with regard to the select agents or toxins possessed, used, or transferred by the entity.

An entity will be considered to be an accredited academic institution if it is a postsecondary, language, or vocational school that is accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. Proof that a school has been determined to be eligible under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 is sufficient to establish that a school is properly accredited. The specific requirements for Title IV eligibility are specified in 34 CFR part 600. Federal, state, or local governmental agencies—including public accredited academic institutions—are exempt from the security risk assessments for the entity and the individual who owns or controls such entity.

General Guidance on Completing the FD-961 Form

Section I, Block 3: The type of the entity should be identical to that indicated on the CDC or APHIS registration application form (CDC Form APHIS/CDC Form 1).

Section II:

  • Block 4: Include full name (last, first, middle, and suffix, e.g. Jr. or III). The name provided in block 4 should be identical to that indicated on Table 4B of CDC Form APHIS/CDC Form 1.
  • Block 4a: Include any Aliases/Maiden names.
  • Block 11: Ensure the unique identifying number supplied by APHIS or CDC for the individual is provided. CDC or APHIS will provide to the RO a unique identifying number for each individual listed on Table 4B of CDC Form APHIS/CDC Form 1. Information about how to obtain a unique identifying number is available on the Internet at http://www.aphis.usda.gov/programs/ag_selectagent/index.html or http://www.cdc.gov/od/sap.
  • Block 12a-12h: Answer all questions located in blocks 12 a-h with a "yes" or "no" in the boxes provided.
  • Questions concerning completion of the FD-961 Form can be directed to the Bioterrorism Help Line at (304) 625-4900.

Completion Of Fingerprint Cards

Each individual will be provided with two fingerprint cards to have printed by a local law enforcement agency. Individuals or entities must arrange for this service. In most instances the law enforcement offices will charge a fee for this service. The two fingerprint cards, the receipt for fingerprinting page, and the completed FD-961 Form must be submitted to the FBI in the provided envelope in order to process the security risk assessment. The FBI may request a second set of prints to process in the event that the initial two fingerprint cards are rejected from the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System for image quality.

Once printed, the two fingerprint cards and the completed FD-961 Form must be forwarded to the FBI. In order for the security risk assessment to be processed in a timely manner, the FD-961 Form and Fingerprint Cards must be returned to the FBI as one package. The FBI will not conduct a security risk assessment for an individual unless it has received a completed FD-961 Form and two legible fingerprint cards.

Requirements due to change of employer: Under any case where an individual is changing employers or completing a security risk assessment renewal, the individual must submit a completed FD-961 Form to the FBI. Two fingerprint cards are not required if a legible set is already on file with the FBI. The FBI reserves the right to request additional fingerprint cards in the future if necessary. A full security risk assessment must be completed prior to an individual being granted access to select agents and toxins at the new place of employment. The security risk assessment granted under previous employment is NOT transferable.

Privacy Act Statement


Collection of this information is authorized under Public Law 107-188; 18 U.S.C. § 175b; 28 U.S.C. § 534; 28 CFR § 0.85; 7 CFR Part 331; 9 CFR Part 121; 42 CFR Part 73.

Principal Purpose and Routine Uses

The information collected on this form will be used for the principal purpose of conducting security risk assessments for entities that possess, receive, use, and/or transfer select agents and toxins; individuals who own or control an entity; individuals authorized to have access to select agents or toxins; and responsible officers. As part of this assessment, the collected data may also be used to assist in determining approval, denial, revocation, or renewal of a certificate of registration issued by Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) or U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) for possession, use, and transfer of select agents and toxins.

Additionally, information provided in all or part of this completed form may be disclosed to Department of Justice personnel who need the information in the performance of their duties and outside the Department of Justice to HHS and/or USDA for the purpose of making security risk assessments and other determinations relating to individuals, entities, and responsible officers that have access to or possess, use, receive, and/or transfer select agents and toxins; to federal, state, local, joint, tribal, or international entities charged with the responsibility of investigating, prosecuting, and/or enforcing laws, regulations, rules, orders, or contracts if any part of the information received, either on its face or in conjunction with other information, indicates a violation or potential violation of law, regulation, rule, order, or contract; to any law enforcement or intelligence authority or other federal, state, or local entity with relevant jurisdiction where such information reveals a risk to human, animal, and/or plant health or national security; to organizations or individuals, both public and private, if deemed necessary, in the sole discretion of the U.S. Department of Justice, to elicit information or cooperation from the recipient for use in assessing suitability to access, possess, use, receive, or transfer select agents and toxins; and pursuant to the routine uses most recently published in the Federal Register for the FBI's Central Records System (Justice/FBI-002) and the FBI's Blanket Routine Uses (Justice/FBI-BRU).

Social Security Number

Your social security number is requested under Public Law 107-188, 7 CFR Part 331, 9 CFR Part 121 and 42 CFR Part 73, which authorize the Attorney General to collect names and other identifying information in the security risk assessment process and to check criminal, immigration, national security, and other electronic databases. Because other people may have the same name and birth date, your social security number will be used to facilitate accurate identification and to help eliminate the possibility of misidentification of individuals for whom a security risk assessment or database check is being conducted.

Effects of Nondisclosure

Completion of this form and provision of your social security number is voluntary. However, failure to provide the requested information may result in a finding that you may not have access to a select agent or toxin because of an incomplete application or an unapproved security risk assessment.

Paperwork Reduction Act Notice

The information required on this form is in accordance with the Paper Work Reduction Act of 1995. The purpose of this information is to assist the FBI in national security risk assessments for entities and individuals having access to selected toxins as required by the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness Response Act of 2002.

The estimated average burden associated with this collection of information is 45 minutes, depending on circumstances. Comments concerning the accuracy of this burden estimate and suggestions for reducing this burden should be directed to the FBI, Bioterrorism Security Risk Assessment Mod E-3, Criminal Justice Information Services Division, 1000 Custer Hollow Road, Clarksburg, WV 26306.

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