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2008 ICE Annual Report Cover


ICE Good Guidance Documents


This website contains Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE’s) list of current significant and economically significant guidance documents, as required by the Office of Management and Budget’s Final Bulletin for Agency Good Guidance Practices.

ICE has no significant or economically significant guidance documents at this time.

Submitting Comments

You may submit comments on ICE’s significant and economically significant guidance documents using www.regulations.gov. All comments submitted are publicly available. All comments received and any supplementary information including ICE’s response to comments for economically significant guidance documents is available on that site under the document’s assigned Docket ID.

If, at any time, you would like to request that ICE issue, reconsider, modify, reclassify, or rescind a significant guidance document, please submit the request to ICESignficantGuidance@dhs.gov. You may use the same e-mail address to file complaints that ICE is not following the procedures in or complying with OMB’s Bulletin in developing its guidance documents or is treating guidance as a binding requirement. Please include the title and the Docket ID, if appropriate, of the document on which you are providing comment.

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