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U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

SEC RSS Feed Files

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed files for EDGAR XBRL and Interactive Data submissions are now available to the public on the SEC web site. These files are updated frequently to contain link information and meta data (company name, accession number, CIK, filing date, form type, file number) for XBRL filings that have been accepted by EDGAR.

RSS (which also stands for RDF Site Summary and Rich Site Summary) is an open XML-based standard for news syndication. It can be consumed by standard RSS readers or custom-built applications to automatically access standardized and up-to-date web information without necessarily having to use a browser.

The EDGAR RSS feed files contain links to and useful meta data for EDGAR XBRL documents. This information can be subsequently consumed by applications that view, analyze and manipulate the XBRL tagged data contained in these documents.

These RSS files are available on the SEC web site:

  1. http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/usgaap.rss.xml An hourly update of the most recent 100 Interactive Data documents submitted under the "Interactive Data to Improve Financial Reporting" rule (Release No. 33-9002) using US GAAP as the base taxonomies.
  2. http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/xbrlrss.xml An hourly update of the most recent 100 XBRL documents in support of the "XBRL Voluntary Financial Reporting" Program (Release No. 33-8529) using US GAAP as the base taxonomies.
  3. http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/xbrlrss.risk-return.xml An hourly update of the most recent 100 documents using the Investment Company Institute's (ICI) Risk Return taxonomy in support of the Extension of Interactive Data Voluntary Reporting Program on the EDGAR System to Include Mutual Fund Risk/Return Summary Information (Release No. 33-8823).
  4. http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/2009-03-23.rss.xml All XBRL documents distributed from April 4, 2005 through March 23, 2009 inclusive. This is a one time only "catch up" feed. At one time the main XBRL feeds contained all XBRL filings, but in December 2008 changed to contain only the most recent 100. Users unaware of the change experienced a loss of continuity. This feed is also accompanied by compressed archives of XBRL documents through March 23, 2009 inclusive at http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/xbrldata.zip and http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/xbrldata.tar.gz (78MB).

Please note that the contents and format of these RSS files may change without prior warning.

Access is also available by going to the Search the EDGAR Database page at http://www.sec.gov/edgar/searchedgar/webusers.htm and pressing the orange XML buttons located next to XBRL (US GAAP) RSS Feed and XBRL (Risk Return) RSS Feed.



Modified: 04/21/2009