International Cooperation
Collaboration with UNAIDS

Collaboration with UNAIDS

The United States was a driving force behind the creation of the United Nations Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) "Three Ones" principles - one national plan, one national coordinating authority, one national monitoring and evaluation system in each of the host countries in which organizations work - for support of national HIV/AIDS leadership and continues to support UNAIDS' work in a variety of ways.

The USG is one of the largest contributors to UNAIDS' all-voluntary budget each year and provided nearly $40 million in FY2008. The United States served as Chair of the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board (PCB) in 2008. As PCB Chair, the United States instituted a number of reforms in PCB practice aimed at increasing transparency and effectiveness, particularly in civil society. Other priorities during the U.S. tenure included reforms to maximize UNAIDS' effectiveness at the country level and guidance for leaders as they convened in June 2008 at the U.N. General Assembly for a High-Level Meeting on HIV/AIDS. The gavel was passed to Ethiopia in December 2008 at the same time as Michel Sidibe succeeded Dr. Peter Piot as Executive Director.

USA.gov U.S. Government interagency website managed by the Office of U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator
and the Bureau of Public Affairs, U.S. State Department.
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