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Trade Topics in the News

International Trade News

March 24, 2009

U.S. Senate Confirms Gary Locke as Commerce Secretary

WASHINGTON—The United States Senate this evening confirmed Gary Locke as the nation's 36th Commerce Secretary by unanimous consent. Secretary Locke will be a key member of President Obama's economic team and will work to foster and promote American economic development at home, and will be an influential ambassador for American business and industry abroad.  Read the whole story here!

March 17, 2009

Executive Trade Mission to Libya and Algeria

Fast growing economies, vast capital reserves, and major infrastructure needs put Libya and Algeria among the world's most promising new markets for U.S. suppliers. To help U.S. firms leverage opportunities in these markets, a senior-level Department official will lead a trade mission to Tripoli, Libya and Algiers, Algeria, November 4-8, 2009.  For more information, please click here!

January 13, 2009

FACT SHEET - November 2008 Export Statistics here!