BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

New Hampshire

Census Bureau Webinars on Foreign Trade Regulations

When: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 -- 2:00pm-3:00pm ET
Cost: $50

Join this presentation by the Census Bureau to learn about the Foreign Trade Regulations which are mandatory when exporting products overseas.

This webinar is the first in a series of five webinars to be presented by the Census Bureau.

This first webinar of the series will be led by Brenda Jeffries from the Census Bureau, and will cover the Filing Requirements of the Foreign Trade Regulations.  A live question and answer session will follow the presentation.

Other topics to be covered in future webinars are:

  • May 21, 2009: Discussion will include the Harmonized system, useful classification tools, general rules of interpretations, as well as the Schedule B Manual
  • May 28, 2009: Will cover the Automated Export System, information on Filing your Electronic Export Information (EEI), Filing the EEI and Troubleshooting After Filing Your EEI
  • June 2, 2009: Discussion on the importance of filing export information in the AESPcLink online system
  • June 4, 2009: Topics will include civil and criminal penalties, violations that will be enforced, statutory basis for penalty assessments, mitigation schemes for penalty assessments and parties in the export transaction

For more information or to register, please click here, or contact Linda Abbruzzese at