Updated 3/16/07
2005 Wyoming Fire Action Team Charter

Organization Mission:

The mission of the Wyoming Fire Action Team is to facilitate and support interagency fire management in Wyoming at the local, state, tribal and federal levels. This includes the following emphasis areas:

  • Hazardous Fuels Mitigation
  • Interagency Fire Planning
  • Suppression Activities and Capacity
  • Fire Prevention
  • Information and education

Other emphasis areas may be identified and addressed by the team as agreed to by the team.

Wyoming Fire Action Team Responsibilities/Tasks:

  • Provide state level interagency coordination to meet Wyoming’s greatest needs and support local efforts in hazardous fuels mitigation, interagency fire planning, suppression activities and capacity, fire prevention and information and education

  • Provide a statewide meeting to share information between federal, state, local and tribal parties, especially local coordinators; including categorizing fuels projects statewide

  • Provide direction to State Forestry for State fire mitigation coordinator activities

  • Establish time lines to meet federal deadlines for various tasks and funding opportunities

  • Provide State level reports as required

Wyoming Fire Action Team Members:

Representatives from the following agencies will comprise the Team:

  • Bureau of Indian Affairs
  • Bureau of Land Management
  • National Park Service
  • Natural Resource Conservation Service, Resource Conservation and Development
  • Wyoming Association of County Commissioners
  • Wyoming State Forestry Division (State Forester serves as Chair)
  • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
  • U.S. Forest Service

Other interested parties may be included on an ad hoc basis. Examples of these parties are:

  • Wyoming Insurance Industry
  • Wyoming Association of Municipalities
  • Wyoming Conservation Districts
2005 Wyoming Fire Action Team Charter
Updated August 2005
BIA  |  BLM  |  EPA-Region 8  |  NPS  |  USFS-Region 2  |  USFS-Region 4  |  USFWS-Region 6
State of Wyoming  |  WY Association of Municipalities  |  WY County Commissioners Association