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Part of the Team...Part of the Dream

The Department of Labor is supported by a team of program-related and administrative organizations that keep us focused and running smoothly.

The Administrative Review Board (ARB) acts for the Secretary of Labor in issuing a final agency decision on cases arising in review or on decisions of the Assistant Secretary for Employment and Standards Administration, the Administrator for Wage andPicture of people in court Hour, or the Office of Administrative Law Judges under the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, the McNamara-O' Hara Service Contract Act, and the Davis-Bacon Act, as well as other laws providing for prevailing wage findings by the Secretary of Labor.

The Benefits Review Board (BRB) considers and decides appeals of decisions of Administrative Law Judges that raise substantial questions of law or fact with respect to claims of employees under the Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act and its extensions and the Black Lung Benefits Act and its extensions.

The Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB) Picture of a large shipassists in formulating international economic, trade and immigration policies affecting American workers. The Bureau represents the United States on delegations to multi-lateral and bilateral trade negotiations, and on such international bodies as the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the International Labor Organization (ILO), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and other U.N. organizations. It also helps administer the U.S. labor attache program at embassies abroad; carries out overseas technical assistance projects; monitors internationally recognized worker rights; and conducts labor study programs for foreign visitors to the United States. ILAB has established itself as one of the most important and reliable sources of information on the exploitation of child labor around the world.

The Employees' Compensation Appeals Board (ECAB) hears and decides appeals from decisions of the Office of Workers' Compensation Program concerning work injuries and diseases under the Federal Employees' Compensation Act.

The Office of Administrative Law Judges (ALJ) preside over formal hearings and render decisions involving black lung benefits and Longshore workers' compensation as well as other matters arising from over 80 labor-related statutes and regulations.

The Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs (OCIA) provides direction for legislative and intergovernmental programs of the Department of Labor and implements decisions by and for the Secretary and Deputy Secretary for all policy and operations matters which affect legislative programs, proposals, and priorities. OCIA acts as liaison between the Department of Labor and groups on the outside that have an interest in the Department's overall goals and objectives.

Picture of two women haveing a discussion

The Office of Public Affairs (OPA) provides the Secretary of Labor and the Department of Labor' s agencies with advice and guidance on all matters pertaining to public affairs. OPA plans and carries out comprehensive national and regional public affairs programs and activities in support of the Secretary's goals and Departmental programs and activities.

The Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP) administers the Department of Labor's responsibilities to ensure procurement opportunities for small, disadvantaged, and women-owned small businesses; serves as the Department' s central referral point for small business regulatory compliance information and questions; manages the Department's minority colleges and universities program; and provides management oversight and guidance for the Department' s advisory committees and other similar committees and agreements to assure compliance with applicable statutes and related requirements.

The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management (OASAM) mission is to provide leadership and policy guidance to the Secretary of Labor in the areas of budget, human resources, information technology, safety and health, facilities management, and administration in order to provide the Department' s program agencies the resources (financial, staff, technology) necessary for them to perform their program missions and serve working men and women, and to assure overall compliance with non-discrimination statutes that apply to DOL employees and/or applicants for employment and DOL financial assistance programs. OASAM's mission also includes providing administrative and support services to the program agencies and DOL employees to ensure that they can perform their jobs.

The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy (ASP) advises and assists the Secretary of Labor in, and coordinates and provides leadership to, the Department' s activities in economic policy issues, both short and long term policy evaluation, and economic research bearing on the welfare of all American workers.

The Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) serves as the primary DOL financial advisor and sets DOL policy for effective financial management. Its mission is to improve the integrity of the Department of Labor' s reporting to Congress, the President, and the public by relating the accomplishments of the Department to effective stewardship of its financial resources. OCFO is responsible for developing and deploying improved financial services to DOL Financial Managers and front-line employees.

The Office of the Solicitor (SOL) administers approximately 140 Federal laws affecting workers in the United States. These laws include those regulating safety and health in the work place, workers' compensation, employment discrimination, minimum wage and overtime guarantees, job training, protection of pension and other employee welfare plans, and "whistle blower" protection. The Solicitor is the chief legal officer of the Department. SOL enforces the laws under the Department's jurisdiction through litigation and provides a full range of legal services to the Secretary of Labor and the numerous agencies and bureaus that comprise the Department of Labor.

The Women's Bureau (WB) is the single unit at the Federal government level exclusively concerned with serving and promoting the interests of working women. Its mission is to advocate and inform women, directly, and the public, of women' s work rights and employment issues. In order to assure that the voices of working women are heard, and that their priorities are represented in the public policy arena, the Women' s Bureau educates women about their rights in the work place; proposes policies and legislation that benefit working women; researches and analyzes information about women and work and reports findings to the President, Congress, and the public.

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