Welcome to the official web site of the American Laryngological Association (ALA). This web site was established by the ALA to provide information about about the Association for members and the general public.  Information regarding the upcoming annual meeting of the ALA can be found as well as an electronic form for the submission of abstracts to be considered for presentation. The site also holds programs from prior meetings, electronic versions of the transactions from these meetings, historical documents related to ALA functions, the official bylaws governing the actions of the ALA, a list of current ALA officers, membership requirements, links to websites for related organizations and an interactive directory of fellows. ALA members are encouraged to update their personal information on this site on a regular basis.

Upcoming Meeting:

April 26-28, 2017
Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meeting (COSM)
Grand Hyatt Manchester, San Diego, CA

Important Dates:  The 138th Annual Meeting will be held as a three half-days meeting in collaboration with the ABEA.  Additional information will be made available as this year's  President, Dr. Kenneth Altman, and Program Chair, Dr. Ted Mau work on creating an outstanding and  educational program.












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