/* FILE ARCHIVED ON 12:26:27 May 7, 2009 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE AN OPENWAYBACK INSTANCE ON 7:23:11 Oct 4, 2024. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY OPENWAYBACK, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ /**************************************** * Numeric Analytics tagging framework * v.3 alpha June 9th 2008 ****************************************/ try{ var _numeric_ = new Object; // ****************** CONFIG ********************************* _numeric_.config=new Object; _numeric_.config.openScrpt = ''; _numeric_.config.baseUrl ="//"+location.hostname+"/abanet/common/webAnalytics/"; _numeric_.s = new Object; _numeric_.loops = 0; if(! _numeric_.config.pnPrefix) _numeric_.config.pnPrefix=""; // usesJS_PageName_Override is used to toggle the Javascript PageName generator which looks to page h1 tags to assemble the PageName. _numeric_.config.usesJS_PageName_Override = true; // if changed to false the only PageName manipulation preformed will be toLowercase() // ****************** CONFIG ********************************* // ****************** UTILS ********************************* _numeric_.utils=new Object; _numeric_.utils.getEventTarget = function(e){ try { var targ; if (!e) { var e = window.event; } if (e.target) { targ = e.target; } else if (e.srcElement) { targ = e.srcElement; } if (targ.nodeType == 3) { targ = targ.parentNode; } return targ; } catch(e) {} } _numeric_.utils.getEventTargetName = function(e){ try { var targ; if (!e) { var e = window.event; } if (e.target) { targ = e.target; } else if (e.srcElement) { targ = e.srcElement; } if (targ.nodeType == 3) { targ = targ.parentNode; } return targ.tagName; } catch(e) {} } _numeric_.utils.addOnClickEvent = function(func, El){ try{ if(El.attachEvent){ El.attachEvent("onClick",func); } if(El.addEventListener){ El.addEventListener("click",func,false); } return this; }catch(e){} } _numeric_.utils.addOnSubmitEvent = function(func, El){ try{ if(El.attachEvent){ El.attachEvent("onSubmit",func); } if(El.addEventListener){ El.addEventListener("submit",func,false); } return this; }catch(e){} } _numeric_.utils.loadScriptLibrary = function(src, targetElement) { try{ if (_numeric_.scriptElement == null) { _numeric_.scriptElement = document.createElement('script'); _numeric_.scriptElement.type = 'text/javascript'; } if (targetElement == null){ if (_numeric_.headElement == null) _numeric_.headElement = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; targetElement = _numeric_.headElement; } var library = _numeric_.scriptElement.cloneNode(true); library.src = src; targetElement.appendChild(library); }catch(e){} } _numeric_.utils.addOnloadEvent = function(func, El){ try{ if(typeof El == "undefined"){ El = window; } if(El.attachEvent){ El.attachEvent("onload",func); } if(El.addEventListener){ El.addEventListener("load",func,false); } return this; }catch(e){} } _numeric_.utils.queryStringToHash = function(str){ try{ var qs=[]; var a=str.indexOf("?")>-1?str.split("?")[1].split("&"):str.split("&"); for(var x=0;x 0); if (! _numeric_.isIE ) { HTMLElement.prototype.__defineGetter__("innerText", function () { return(this.textContent); }); HTMLElement.prototype.__defineSetter__("innerText", function (txt) { this.textContent = txt; }); } // ****************** UTILS ********************************* _numeric_.waToLoad = new Array; //Call vender code //Omniture _numeric_.utils.loadScriptLibrary(_numeric_.config.baseUrl +"s_code.js", document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]); _numeric_.waToLoad.push("omni"); //Google Analytics //_numeric_.utils.loadScriptLibrary(_numeric_.config.baseUrl +"ga.js", document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]); //_numeric_.waToLoad['ga'] = true; _numeric_.analyticsCallBack = function() { try{ _numeric_.timer; if(_numeric_.loops <10){ if(_numeric_.waToLoad.length > 0){ _numeric_.timer = setTimeout("_numeric_.analyticsCallBack()",1000); _numeric_.loops++ }else{ clearTimeout(_numeric_.timer); } if(typeof s != "undefined" && _numeric_.waToLoad.length > 0){ _numeric_.utils.loadScriptLibrary(_numeric_.config.baseUrl +"omniWidget.js", document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]); for(i =0;i<_numeric_.waToLoad.length;i++){ if(_numeric_.waToLoad[i]== "omni"){_numeric_.waToLoad.splice(i,1); break;} } } if(typeof _gat != "undefined" && _numeric_.waToLoad.length > 0){ /*_numeric_.utils.loadScriptLibrary(_numeric_.config.baseUrl + "gaWidget.js", document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]); for(i =0;i<_numeric_.waToLoad.length;i++){ if(_numeric_.waToLoad[i]== "ga"){_numeric_.waToLoad.splice(i,1); break;} }*/ } }else{ clearTimeout(_numeric_.timer); } }catch(e){} } //_numeric_.utils.addOnloadEvent(_numeric_.analyticsCallBack); }catch(e){}