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Western Coastal & Marine Geology

A Global Inventory of Natural Gas Hydrate Occurrence

by Keith A. Kvenvolden and Thomas D. Lorenson

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Composite List of References for Global Gas Hydrate Sites - Continental

Key: Type: Reference:
C1 Well logs Collett, T.S., Natural gas hydrates of the Prudhoe Bay and Kuparuk River area, North Slope, Alaska, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 77, 793-812, 1993.
PCS (Summarized in reference) Collett, T.S., Natural gas hydrates of the Prudhoe Bay and Kuparuk River area, North Slope, Alaska, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 77, 793-812, 1993.
C2 Sample Dallimore, S.R., T. Uchida, and T.S. Collett, Scientific results from JAPEX/JNOC/GCS Mallik 2L-38 gas hydrate research well, Mackenzie Delta, Northwest Territories, Canada, Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin 544, 403 pp, 1999.
Well logs Bily, C., and J.W.L. Dick, Naturally occurring gas hydrates in the Mackenzie Delta, N.W.T, Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, 22, 320-352, 1974.
C3 Well logs Davidson, D.W., M.K. El-Defrawy, M.O. Fuglem, and A.S. Judge, Natural gas hydrates in northern Canada, in National Research Council of Canada, Proceedings 3rd International Conference on Permafrost 1, 938-943, 1978.
Judge, A.S., Natural gas hydrates in Canada, in Roger J.E. Brown Memorial Volume, Proceedings of the 4th Canadian Permafrost Conference 1981, 320-328, 1982.
C4 CH4 Makogon, Yu. F., F.A. Trebin, A.A. Trofimuk, V.P. Tsarev, and N.V. Cherskiy, Detection of a pool of natural gas in a solid (hydrated gas) state, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 196, 203-206, 1971, [Translation in Doklady-Earth Science Section, 196, 197-200, 1972].
C5 Intrepretation Cherskiy, N.V., V.P. Tsarev, and S.P. Nikitin, Investigation and prediction of conditions of accumulation of gas resources in gas-hydrate pools, Petroleum Geology, 21, 65-89, 1985.
C6 Intrepretation Cherskiy, N.V., V.P. Tsarev, and S.P. Nikitin, Investigation and prediction of conditions of accumulation of gas resources in gas-hydrate pools, Petroleum Geology, 21, 65-89, 1985.
C7 Intrepretation Cherskiy, N.V., V.P. Tsarev, and S.P. Nikitin, Investigation and prediction of conditions of accumulation of gas resources in gas-hydrate pools, Petroleum Geology, 21, 65-89, 1985.
C8 Intrepretation Cherskiy, N.V., V.P. Tsarev, and S.P. Nikitin, Investigation and prediction of conditions of accumulation of gas resources in gas-hydrate pools, Petroleum Geology, 21, 65-89, 1985.

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