State & Local Projects

Clean Water State Revolving Fund (enhanced funding)

Low-interest loan program for local government wastewater and stormwater projects. Loans made based on federally-approved, competitive priority system reflecting environmental and public health considerations and readiness-to-proceed. Local government projects must qualify for funding under the terms of the Clean Water State Revolving Fund.

Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (enhanced funding)

The Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) is a low-interest loan program primarily for local government drinking water projects. Loans are made based on federally-approved, competitive priority system reflecting public health and regulatory compliance considerations and readiness-to-proceed. Local government projects must qualify for funding under the terms of the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund.

Diesel Emission Reduction Grant

A portion of funds will be used to contract for the purchase and installation of diesel oxidation catalyst retrofits for public school district bus fleets; other funds will be awarded through grants or cooperative agreements to electrify Florida truck stops in order to reduce truck idlings. The remaining funding will be awarded in the form of rebates for installation of auxiliary power units in trucks to reduce the need for idling.

Florida Department of Transportation (Federal Highway Administration)

"Preliminary estimates for transportation funding in Florida are $70M for airport projects, $1.35B for highway and bridge projects and $316M for transit grants. Other transportation funding will be distributed on a national discretionary basis for other modes of transportation including rail and seaport investments. Federal requirements, priority considerations for project selection and deadlines for project approvals are included in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.”

Defense Infrastructure and Equipment Upgrades (state projects)

Provides increased funding for small construction projects (up to $750K each) that can be used for federal facilities. Also provides increased funding for equipment replacement. State allocation will be determined by the National Guard Bureau. Separate programs provide resources for larger projects selected by the Department of Defense.


The Superfund program was set up to locate, investigate and clean up the highest-priority sites contaminated with hazardous waste. Only sites on the National Priorities List in Florida can be considered for these funds. The selection will be made by the Environmental Protection Agency.


Brownfields are real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant. EPA awards grants through its regional offices directly to local governments for the assessment, cleanup, and redevelopment of brownfields sites and other sites with actual or perceived contamination.

Leaking Underground Storage Tanks

Funds may only be spent on the cleanup of leaking underground (petroleum) storage tank sites under a consent order (enforcement) and where the responsible party is identified as "indigent." Florida currently has a list of candidate sites undergoing further review to confirm that they will meet federal requirements, including that cleanup activities can be conducted within the time constraints. Once the determination has been finalized, funding will be awarded to approved contractors to carry out the work on the highest priority candidate sites.

National Surface Transportation System (discretionary grants)

$1,500,000,000 will be available nationally for capital investments in surface transportation infrastructure. These will be discretionary grants to be awarded to State and local governments or transit agencies on a competitive basis for projects that will have a significant impact on the Nation, a metropolitan area, or a region

Fixed Guideway Modernization

Funding for modernizing or improving existing rail and bus rapid transit systems

Airports (grants in aid)

Grants from the Federal Aviation Authority to fund expansions and improvements to airports. For projects funded in Florida, see:


Two competitive grant programs (NTIA $4.7 billion, Rural Utilities Service $2.5 billion) to expand broadband coverage to unserved and underserved populations.

Military Construction and Facilities Sustainment, Restoration and Modernization Projects in Florida

The Department of Defense has released a list of planned expenditures on military construction and facilities sustainment, restoration and modernization projects planned with Recovery Act funds. There are projects for Florida bases totaling almost $250 million. See related file for download of the projects list.

Federal Transit Admin. Non-urbanized Area Formula Program (under 50,000 population)

Needs-based competitive grant program within each District

Federal Transit Admin. Urbanized Area Formula Program (over 50,000 population)

Formula-based grants for transit programs

FDOT Status Report, April 24, 2009