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Strawberries Ease Inflammation

The health benefits of strawberries satisfy your sweet tooth while easing inflammation

By Mary Anne Dunkin

Not only are strawberries juicy and delicious, they also may lower blood levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), a signal of inflammation in the body. High CRP levels are associated with an increased risk of heart disease and stroke, and levels often spike when people with rheumatoid arthritis or lupus have a flare, as well.

Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health studying the value of strawberries found that women who ate 16 or more strawberries per week were 14 percent less likely than non-strawberry eaters to have elevated levels of the protein. These health benefits of strawberries come from fruit that’s either fresh or frozen.

Although the study focused on heart disease, Howard Sesso, the study’s lead author, says that lowering CRP levels with strawberries may be helpful for arthritis, too. So go ahead – slice them on your cereal, add them to yogurt or enjoy them plain as a snack or dessert.

Jorge V Nieto berghusen
03 Sep 2012, 01:08
use 4 apples extract, 12 strawberries,ground cinnamon.some lemmon juice and a dash of ACV
put all this in the blender and drink it
you will not feel hungry for the rest of he day.this juice kill your cravings for sweets and junk food ,it will reduce your body mass
reduce your LDL and increase your HDL
will energyze your body /mind
try it is a very healthy drink and it wont hurt your feelings

Patty Palacios
15 Jun 2012, 21:25
I have systemic scleroderma,I'v been in remmi
sion for almost 3 years.Any advice will be appreciated!!
Katherine Natalia
10 May 2012, 13:39
Yes fresh fruit of any kind can make a massive difference to health. A few years ago I had chronic fatigue syndrome, bad allergies, IBS and loads of other health complaints. I started drinking green smoothies and within 6 months all my medical problems had completely gone.
Feel free to read my story:

There's nothing better than fresh strawberries. I love adding them to smoothies as they sweeten it and hide the taste of my green smoothies. Here is a healthy smoothie to get in more strawberry goodness:
26 Mar 2012, 10:36
Check this out!
15 Mar 2012, 07:01
I am happy to hear that Strawberries are good for us. I was told by a friend to not eat them because I have Lupus and so does she and her Dr told her to stop. But reading this I might start eating them again- because they are my favorite fruit. Any one know of any ill effects for Lupus patients?? Thanks
12 Mar 2012, 14:54
please I name is alaa I living in jordan and study in jordan university and technolgy In nutrition and food technology in this semester I graduatureI need to presentation in nutrition please
05 Feb 2012, 12:36
Carol....i thank you much for your comments i have RA=LUPUS i am 66 i suffer this for 30 years...i never know milk,cheese,eggs are bad..thank you i will start my strict diet starting today....God bless you.
22 Nov 2011, 09:56
i need all thde help i can get.

Alison Mullins
13 Oct 2011, 19:17
i was dianosed with RA 3yrs ago. I was put on remicade and metho and within4 months pustular psoriasis onpalms soles of feet with scalp and 5 huge bald spots on my scalp. I went to Mayo and was to
told I was allergic. I was told I have a sero negative arthritis but not rheumatoid. I am now on retuxin and am concerned if that med is good for me. Mayo ran more bloodwotk but could not pinpoint what type it is. Should I continue to get it diagnosed? I worry that I should take a different med. Thank you
13 Oct 2011, 12:42
Hello~Yes, I too manage my RA and Lupus (diagnosed five years ago at age 45) with smart food choices and exercise. My doc recommends methotrexate but I fear the long term side effects. March 2011, I met Dr. Neal Bernard for local PBS fundrasier, he promotes: Foods that fight pain and foods that help boost your immune system. He changed my life by recommending this simple test: FOR ONE MONTH (NO CHEATING)Eliminate: ALL DAIRY (no: milk, cheese, eggs, ice cream, yogurt, ect. and no: animal products). These foods share a common protein, called casein which is a trigger to stimulate inflamation and swelling; remove this from your diet and you will notice significant reduction in tissue swelling and pain! Remember to supplement your daily protein with nuts, fresh Ahi, tuna, shrimp and salmon. Lot's of fresh fruit and veggies too. Keep hydrated, with plenty of water through out the day. Exericse is essential; allocate at least 30 minutes p/day, include stretching and cardio if possible. Here's to your good health and blessed life! Carol (
12 Oct 2011, 19:02
I have had RA for a few years and learned to avoid all nightshades, all dairy, and all fats - except olive oil and canola. Also, green tea, ginger,tumeric, are all good at fighting inflammation. It's too bad docs aren't any help with the diets, since it's obvious the foods you eat are related to inflammation. It took me years to read and find these things out on my own.
12 Oct 2011, 16:29
I have had RA for 39 years, and doctors NEVER told me to limit my beef intake. I learned on my own to eliminate beef. I love chicken though. I recently did my own "study" and only ate tuna, shrimp, salmon and fish for 7 full days (with fruits and vegetables) and BOY DID I FEEL BETTER!

I take Enbrel and methotrexate and normally I'm about to die the day before I take the medicine, well, that week I had to remind myself to take medicine, I felt so well!

When I called my dr and told him, he said matter of factly, oh yeah some patients improve with fish!!! Why did he NEVER TELL ME?!
12 Oct 2011, 12:16
for Alice e My family doctor is double borded in Family Medicine and Sports Medicine. As a sports med doc, he can help with my joints. Twice a year I see him for knee injections 3 weeks in a row. I was told around 15 years ago that I would have to have both knees replaced soon. The right knee lasted around 12 more years, and the left knee has not reached replacement stage. He also can inject my shoulders when the rotator cuffs get caught up on spurs. For more indepth back problems, he referred me to a specialist.
Martha Veerman
12 Oct 2011, 10:27
I have rheumatoid arthritis and I eat more chicken and fish. Fruit: I eat apples, orange, blueberries, grapes, strawberries, bananas, necterine. Vegetables: Romain, butter salads, brussel sprout, kale, celery, green onion, garlic, regular union, almonds.
candy's: dark chocolate with almonds in it. I do not take any medicine but calcium, multiple vitamine, fish oil, glucamine and kelp. I feel good. I also had four surgeries on my hand. It help me so well and I have a fantastic surgeon. Hopefully this will be my last. My hands are perfect now.
12 Oct 2011, 09:46
there was a book written more than 25 years ago correlating pain and nightshade vegetables in people who suffer from back pain. i took the advice of the authors' experience and stopped eating them. and low and behold my back pain was reduced. but i have to say at that time the pain was from nerve damage and not oa. so far i have found that oa is helped by keeping the swelling down.
26 Apr 2011, 19:13
I have learned that eating nightshade plants is TERRIBLE for my arthritis. I stopped eating them 2 months ago and it has made a HUGE improvement!!! It was very hard at first, because I've grown up eating tomatoes and potatoes and peppers daily... which could be why I was in so much pain. I read that it can take up to 3 months to clear all of the nightshade "germs" out of your body, and if you cheat and eat them again, then you have to suffer for 3 more months while your body clears them out. I wish I had stopped eating them long ago, because I've really suffered because of them. Next I'm going to give up wheat, because I tested allergic to it. Beware of your allergies!
alice espinosa
11 Jun 2010, 07:11
I am 77 yrs old my whole body has arthritis
please let me know what i can do, i need quick help if there is any such thing,please let me know,im in tears constant

thank you
alice espinosa

25 May 2010, 17:16
Iam going to eat some stawberries and pineapple now, I too have been craving pineapple, strawberries water melon
Brenda Starnes
20 Apr 2010, 09:30
Should we be concerned with eating "NIGHT SHADE FOODS"? Tomatoes,potatoes and eggplant are a few.
The Editors
25 Feb 2010, 13:00
It's not your imagination. Pineapples contain bromelain, enzymes that break down protein and may decrease pain and swelling from OA and RA, which help to increase mobility.

Cut and paste the link below into your Web browser window to learn more about pineapples and bromelain. lain.php

And please remember to always talk to your doctor before taking any supplements or increasing your consumption of such powerful foods.

The Editors
Arthritis Today magazine
Gloria Shanklin
25 Feb 2010, 12:38
I have had improvement in my arthritis by eating fresh pineapple before meals. Is this my imagination are is there a link.
23 Jan 2010, 19:51
OMG! Listen to your cravings! Everytime my joints get inflamed I would crave strawberries, I eat 2 pints at once!!! Avocado, tuna, olive oil are my big cravings as well. I don't know about tomatoes and lettuce, onions and garlic. I can't even look at the red meat anymore, I buy Amish chicken. I still feel pain but not as much weak muscle and stiffnes. Love strawberries all year around, sometimes its hard to find them. I can't belive that's why I eat so much of them!
Kathy Wilson
17 Jan 2010, 22:15
also drink hormone/antibiotic FREE milk
the hormones and antibiotics they give cows have been reported to cause arthritis in cows I know myself when I stopped drinking regular milk knees were not as stiff periods were not as heavy and breast pain stopped you can buy hormone free milk I prefer soy slender sugar free soy chocolate milk, vanilla, cappacchino

hope this helps
22 Sep 2009, 20:00
I make a fruit smoothie every morning
4-5 strawberries
1/2 banana
handful of frozen or fresh blueberries
handful frozen cranberries
1/2 cup unsweetened apple juice and
1/4 cup bottled water
blend in blender and enjoy
This is great before a running or biking workout.
17 Sep 2009, 13:59
I love strawberries so this is such great news!
04 Aug 2009, 09:38
I have about 6 frozen strawberries mixed with Crystal Light in a blender to make a frozen strawberry slush every evening for my dessert. Wonderful and takes the urge away from candy or fatty foods.

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