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Life with Type 1 Diabetes

Life with Diabetes: Founded by parents of children with juvenile diabetes, the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation has one mission: To find a cure for diabetes and its complications through the support of research.
For Adults
New to T1D?
You're Not Alone - We Can Help

Turn here for compassionate one-to-one support and practical suggestions from JDRF volunteers who have "been there." You'll also find vital resources and information, including answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about T1D, diabetes symptoms and treatment, including insulin therapy, and more.
Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is a disease you never outgrow. Adults
with type 1
diabetes not only have to face the everyday challenges of managing their disease at work and home, they also have to deal with lack of awareness from the general public. It's just as important for adults with T1D to know they are not alone as it is for kids and teens. 

For Teens 
Teens with T1D face their own set of issues and concerns. Get sound advice on topics like driving, dieting, drinking, preparing for college, and more; and read about other teens living with and overcoming the daily challenges of the disease.

For Kids
JDRF Kids Online features pen pals, kids' art, information about dealing with type 1 diabetes day-to-day, and more. There's also a special section for kids newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and their families and friends.