Charity Ratings


Not all charities are equal. Before choosing to donate to an organization, it's wise to research first how your charitable investment will be spent. A good place to look is at an organization's IRS form 990. It's a financial document all nonprofit organizations are required to file with federal and state agencies who monitor charity activity. All the information you need to know about how an organization spends donor contributions can be found easily and quickly. You can view ours here.

There are also a number of online resources to help make the process easier. Charity "watchdogs" like the American Institute of PhilanthropyGuideStar, and the Better Business Bureau, all publish reports on annual charity spending. It's an easy way to check how much an organization spends on its programs versus overhead expenses, and can help you gauge a charity's financial health.

CRI consistently receives exemplary marks from these and other watchdog groups: 

The trust our donors place in us is our most valuable asset. When you give to CRI, you can be sure your charitable investment will be spent wisely and will make the most impact possible in our efforts to conquer cancer.