Table 6. BLS estimates of compensation, United States and Los Angeles, 2004–05
BLS Product United States Los Angeles
Reference period Estimate Reference period Estimate

OES hourly wages*

May 2005 $18.21 May 2005 $20.04

NCS occupational hourly wages

June 2005 $17.82 April 2005 $20.44

NCS pay relative (U.S.= 100)*

2005 100 2005 105

ECEC wages

March 2005 $17.15 March 2005 $20.42

ECEC benefits

March 2005 $7.02 March 2005 $8.16

ECI compensation

March 2004-March 2005 3.5% March 2004-March 2005 2.4%

ECI wages

March 2004-March 2005 2.7% March 2004-March 2005 1.4%

Note: Estimates refer to workers in all private industries, except where denoted by an asterisk. The Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) estimates also include workers in Federal, State, and local government, while the National Compensation Survey (NCS) pay relatives also include workers in State and local government. The Employment Cost Index (ECI) estimates represent 12-month percent changes. The Employer Costs for Employee Compensation (ECEC) estimates are average cost per hour.