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NIOSH Software

PC Life Table Analysis System
A NIOSH analytical software system for use in occupational cohort mortality studies.

The Standardized Occupation and Industry Coding (SOIC)
The Standardized Occupation and Industry Coding (SOIC) software automates the coding process for industry and occupation (I&O) narratives from death certificates, cancer registries, and other record systems. The software assigns codes according to the 1990 Bureau of the Census industry and occupation codes and supplemental codes from the National Center for Health Statistics. This site provides a downloadable version of the SOIC software and Users' Manual as well as other SOIC information and installation resources.

Personal Protective Equipment

Permeation Calculator Version 2.4
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 2007-143C
Data analysis for chemical protective clothing permeation testing involves a number of equations and experimental factors. Permeation Calculator, a Microsoft Windows compatible program is a computer tool for automating the permeation testing data analysis. It is intended to help industrial hygienists avoid labor intensive hand calculations of the permeation parameters.

MultiVapor Version 2.1.3
MultiVapor is a computer tool for estimating breakthrough times and service lives of air-purifying respirator cartridges manufactured to remove toxic organic vapors from breathed air. MultiVapor replaces the program, Breakthrough, which performs the same function for only one organic vapor at all humidities. MultiVapor is intended to help an industrial hygienist or other qualified person to set cartridge change-out schedules.


Mining Safety & Health Research Software

A list of the latest software available from the Mining Safety and Health Division. Includes a variety of programs covering ground control, ventilation, vibration analysis, hearing loss, education, and hazardous materials documentation.


SPIDER Database Software
This software is useful for states to enter data on each individual with pesticide-related illness. It also will allow NIOSH to aggregate data across states.

Page last updated: April 8, 2009
Page last reviewed: April 8, 2009
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

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NIOSH Software
Personal Protective Equipment
Mining Safety and Health Research Products