Long-Term Disaster Recovery Funds Awarded To Ferry And Stevens Counties 

Release Date: February 10, 2000
Release Number: R10-00-19

» 2000 Region X News Releases

SEATTLE, Wash. -- The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), working with the Washington Emergency Management Division (WEMD), is providing Ferry and Stevens Counties in northeastern Washington nearly $1 million to complete long-term disaster recovery projects identified after flooding in 1998. The projects include efforts to disaster-proof the Ferry County Fairgrounds, to purchase two flood prone properties in Ferry County, and to fund road and culvert projects in both counties. The City of Republic has also been awarded a portion of the funds to improve local drainage.

The projects are made possible in part by an award of $836,000 in "Unmet Needs" supplemental disaster assistance, which will be matched by $140,000 in State funds and a similar amount in local resources. These projects are assistance to States and local communities for implementing long-term mitigation measures following a Presidentially declared disaster.

FEMA regional director David L. de Courcy hailed the projects as a "wise use of federal dollars, as many of the projects will incorporate mitigation strategies that will lessen the impacts of future storms and flooding in both counties."

WEMD director Glen Woodbury agrees. "Not only will federal and state funds help protect community facilities and infrastructure, but they will also yield economic benefits to northeastern Washington. The road drainage projects will help ensure continuous flow of commercial and residential traffic during storm events, and the fairgrounds project will result in a better, disaster resistant public center for the citizens of Ferry County."

Last Modified: Tuesday, 18-Nov-2003 13:10:47