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Great Seal

Director of the Office of Foreign Missions

Creation of this Position

Title: Director of the Office of Foreign Missions
Name: James E. Nolan, Jr.
State of Residency: Maryland
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Oct 16, 1986
Entry on Duty: Oct 21, 1986
Termination of Appointment: Jan 22, 1988
Note: Nolan had been designated to this position Feb 22, 1983.

Title: Director of the Office of Foreign Missions
Name: John Condayan
State of Residency: Virginia
Foreign Service officer
Appointment: [see note below]
Note: Served as Acting Director, Jan 1988-Jun 1989; a nomination of Sep 16, 1988, was not acted upon by the Senate. Harry W. Porter III served as Acting Director, Jun 1989-Mar 1990 and Jul 1992-May 1993.

Title: Director of the Office of Foreign Missions
Name: David C. Fields
State of Residency: California
Foreign Service officer
Appointment: Mar 8, 1990
Entry on Duty: Mar 12, 1990
Termination of Appointment: Jul 22, 1992
Note: Harry W. Porter III served as Acting Director, Jul 1992-May 1993.

Title: Director of the Office of Foreign Missions
Name: Eric James Boswell
State of Residency: California
Foreign Service officer
Appointment: May 12, 1993
Entry on Duty: May 13, 1993
Termination of Appointment:

Creation of Position: The Department of State Authorization Act for Fiscal Years 1982 and 1983 (Aug 24, 1982; P.L. 97-241; 96 Stat. 184) authorized an Office of Foreign Missions, headed by a Deputy appointed by the Secretary of State. the Department of State Authorization act for Fiscal Years 1984 and 1985 (Nov 22, 1983; P.L. 98-164; 97 Stat. 1043) made the Director a Presidential appointee subject to the advice and consent of the Senate, with the rank of Ambassador. The Office of Foreign Missions is responsible for facilitating the secure and efficient operation of U.S. diplomatic missions abroad and foreign diplomatic missions in the United States.

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