GMD Site Description: SPO
CountryCountry Flag
United States
Latitude:89.98° South
Longitude:24.8° West
Elevation: 2810.00 masl
Time Zone: Local Time + -12 hour(s) = UTC
Contact Name: NOAA
Address: NOAA/ ESRL Project S-257-0
Atmospheric Research Observatory
PSC 468 Box 400, APO AP, 96598-5400, Antarctica
Phone:(303) 497-6650
Fax:(303) 497-6290

Atmospheric Transport
Most Recent Trajectory
Clustered summary of Trajectories

Photo Gallery

The South Pole Observatory (SPO) is one of four atmospheric baseline observatories for NOAA's Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL). The South Pole Observatory was established at the geographical south pole at 2837 m above sea level in 1957 as part of the International Geophysical Year. The National Science Foundation provides the infrastructure for the NOAA/ESRL/GMD scientific operations including a state of the art science building named the Atmospheric Research Observatory opened in 1996. Two ESRL observatory staff spend one year tours of duty at the station which includes a 9 month period of isolation and six months of darkness. The Atmospheric Research Observatory (ARO) was built by NSF in 1997 to house current atmospheric research and replaced NOAA's Clean Air Facility in operation from 1977 to 1997. Atmospheric data has been collected from South Pole since the International Geophysical Year (IGY), 1957 - 1958.

GMD Projects at South Pole, Antarctica

Carbon Cycle Surface Flasks

Parameter Formula First Sample Date Most Recent Sample Date
Carbon Dioxide CO2 1975-02-09 2009-01-25
Methane CH4 1983-02-20 2009-01-25
Carbon Monoxide CO 1993-04-01 2009-01-25
Molecular Hydrogen H2 1993-04-01 2009-01-25
Nitrous Oxide N2O 1997-01-16 2009-01-25
Sulfur Hexafluoride SF6 1997-01-16 2009-01-25
Carbon-13/Carbon-12 in Carbon Dioxide d13C (CO2) 1993-03-28 2009-01-25
Oxygen-18/Oxygen-16 in Carbon Dioxide d18O (CO2) 1993-03-28 2009-01-17
Carbon-13/Carbon-12 in Methane d13C (CH4) 1998-01-01 2009-01-17
Methyl Chloride CH3Cl 2005-01-28 2007-12-08
Benzene C6H6 2006-12-01 2007-12-08
toluene C7H8 2006-12-01 2007-12-08
D/H in Methane dD (CH4) 2005-02-11 2009-01-25
ethane C2H6 2005-02-11 2007-12-08
ethene C2H4 2005-01-28 2007-12-08
propane C3H8 2005-01-28 2007-12-08
propene C3H6 2005-01-28 2007-12-08
i-butane i-C4H10 2005-04-01 2007-08-15
n-butane n-C4H10 2005-02-15 2007-12-08
i-pentane i-C5H12 2005-03-04 2007-11-26
n-pentane n-C5H12 2005-01-28 2007-12-08
n-hexane n-C6H14 2005-01-28 2007-11-26
wind speed 1992-01-16 2009-01-25
wind direction 1992-01-16 2009-01-25
isoprene C5H8 2006-11-22 2007-12-08

Carbon Cycle In Situ Observatory

Parameter Formula First Sample Date Most Recent Sample Date
Carbon Dioxide CO2 1975-11-25 2009-04-14

HATS Flask Sampling

HATS In Situ Observatory

Parameter Formula First Sample Date Most Recent Sample Date
Nitrous Oxide N2O 0000-00-00 Ongoing
Sulfur Hexafluoride SF6 0000-00-00 Ongoing
HCFC-22 CHF2Cl 0000-00-00 Ongoing
CFC-12 CCl2F2 0000-00-00 Ongoing
Methyl Chloride CH3Cl 0000-00-00 Ongoing
HCFC-142b CH3CF2Cl 0000-00-00 Ongoing
Halon-1211 CBrClF2 0000-00-00 Ongoing
CFC-11 (ion 101) CCl3F (ion 101) 0000-00-00 Ongoing
CFC-113 CCl2FCClF2 0000-00-00 Ongoing
methyl chloroform (ion 97) CH3CCl3 0000-00-00 Ongoing
carbon tetrachloride CCl4 0000-00-00 Ongoing

Aerosol Surface, Continuous Measurements

Continuous Radiation Measurements

Parameter Formula First Sample Date Most Recent Sample Date
Direct Beam 1978-01-01 Ongoing
Shortwave Global 1977-01-01 Ongoing
Diffuse 1995-10-31 Ongoing
Reflected Shortwave 1985-01-01 Ongoing
Downward Longwave 1985-01-01 Ongoing
Upward Longwave 1985-01-01 Ongoing

Surface Ozone

Parameter Formula First Sample Date Most Recent Sample Date
Ozone O3 1975-01-01 2006-12-31

Dobson Ozone

Parameter Formula First Sample Date Most Recent Sample Date
Ozone O3 1963-12-04 2005-12-30


Parameter Formula First Sample Date Most Recent Sample Date
Ozone O3 0000-00-00 Ongoing




Parameter Formula First Sample Date Most Recent Sample Date
wind speed 2 meters 2008-01-01 2009-01-12
Wind Direction 2 Meters 2008-01-01 2009-01-12
Wind Speed 10 Meters 2008-01-01 2009-01-12
Wind Direction 10 Meters 2008-01-01 2009-01-12
Wind Speed Top 2008-01-01 2009-01-12
Wind Direction Top 2008-01-01 2009-01-12
Barometric Pressure 2008-01-01 2009-01-12
Relative Humidity 2 Meters 2008-01-01 2009-01-12
Temperature 2 Meters 2008-01-01 2009-01-12
Temperature 10 Meters 2008-01-01 2009-01-12
temperature Top 2008-01-01 2009-01-12
Precipitation 2008-01-01 2009-01-12