Marginal Hacks

"I'm glad cavepeople didn't invent television, because they would have just sat around and watched talk shows all day instead of creating tools." - Dave James

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Name Rating Works? Description

Y Simple perl script for UNIX/Ubuntu/Debian systems to stream mp3/oggs to an AirPort Express Airtunes server. Requires Justeport which requires mono to run the .NET exe)
Homepage Download Changelog album
Y An html photo album generator which descends directories and has theme support. For an example, see my photo album.
Homepage Download Changelog asq
Y Mame Cabinet front end, nice and simple and fast, using arcade controls. It runs in a terminal window but can display a screenshot window as well. Supports MAME as well as other emulators and various games.
Homepage Download Changelog bew
Y A webcrawler/robot for mirroring entire web sites or web trees. Just give it a URL and it gets everything underneath it. It can tell you about broken links as a helpful side-effect. If you want something more stable but don't need the recursion, see findex.
Y Bugzilla scraper. Can get list of bugs from a bugzilla server and output them in a user-definable format. Useful for regression scripts and the like, or anyone who wants command-line read access to bugzilla.
Y Converts multi-burst photos taken on a digital camera (such as my Sony DSC-L1) into animated gifs.
Homepage Download Changelog Contact.cgi
Y A CGI mailing form that can verify from email addresses without revealing your email, as I do at my Contact Page. Great for making a "Contact Me" page without worrying about people collecting your email. Also good for mailing lists and other websites that want to replace all their mailto: links. Themeable.
Y A simpler CGI mailing form that doesn't verify email addresses but can only send to a hardcoded destination. Themeable.
Homepage Download Changelog DaVite
Y This is a web invitation system, much like or, but you have total control over it! Note: I am no longer developing DaVite, as I have started to do work on MyVite
Homepage Download Changelog ePerl
Y Embed perl in your text files! This is a very snifty tool. It was originally written by Ralf S. Engelschall as a C program, and I realized that it should be written in perl, which I did in a program that is an order of magnitude smaller. (In fact, the source for this page is eperl).
Y This script kicks ass for code development. Watches a file and runs it (or something else) every time it changes. Write your code in one window, and watch it automatically execute in another.
Homepage Download File_Browser.cgi
Y This is my file/database browser in a cgi script. It has a similar look as the old Windows file browser except that it can keep track of open folders inside closed folders. You can see it in action at the Fringe.
Y Fetches an index of files. Can count through numbered URLs and only grab specific types of files, etc.. Pretty darn useful for scrubbing links out of pages. Like a non-recursive but more stable version of bew. See options/usage for many ways to grab many URLs.
Y Creates CGI form/registration code. You describe the form inputs, and it creates the code for outputting, checking and correcting. It's pretty damn useful if you ever need to write some forms. You can look at the script directory, or else grab the tar.gz
Y Forge email. Can handle port 25 and sendmail method. If you use it by itself and don't have access to an insecure port 25, then your mail may have the "may be forged" messages. You can fix this by either downloading the suid version or, much safer, downloading the additional forge_pipe tool which forge can use for you and then:
chown root:root forge_pipe ; chmod 4755 forge_pipe
I don't guarantee that it's safe as suid!
Y Simple and kicks ass. Type in decimal, octal, hex or binary, and this outputs all the possible formats.
Homepage Download Changelog html2jpg
Y Converts HTML pages to images (gif, jpg, png, ps, etc..). Very kludgy, only works with certain versions of Mozilla, but I needed a way to automate screen grabbing the HTML window out of a browser (for my album project). Maybe it'll help you. If you have KDE, I recommend khtml2png
Y Transfer images to your iPhone so the show up in "Photos" and the "Camera" applications. Can use iPod-convenience package to do the copy, otherwise can create a local directory of iPhone images that can be transferred manually with scp. Requires ImageMagick (convert/identify). Can only transfer to "Camera Roll" - if anyone knows how to create other albums, please let me know.
Y Simple perl script that looks up latitude and longitude using the Google Maps API. Implements an optional cache to avoid multiple lookups. A Google Maps API key is required (but is free and easy to get). Also see
Y Recursively links a bunch of directories with either soft (-s) or hard links. It makes a matching directory structure and then links all the files in each one. You can also specify a regexp to -ignore certain files. Useful for copying a large file tree for testing without using alot of diskspace. Can also keep a 'history' of files seen so you can remove them from the new tree and not have them re-added if you rerun lnR.
Y A perl library that writes KML files for Google Maps and Google Earth. Can do the Geocoding (latitude/longitude lookups by address) using the same code as latlong (Google Maps API key required). See "perldoc" for information.
Homepage Download Changelog make_faq
Y Makes FAQs and such things. I use this to build: DaveFAQ and DaveHistory
Y Make extended xmms playlist. Takes a list or directory tree of mp3 and ogg files and creates a playlist sorted by artist, album, track, title. More importantly it can write EXT metadata for xmms (Turn on "Read meta data from playlists" in preferences) so your playlists have song name and duration info immediately available to xmms. Is currently butt-slow for oggs because ogginfo is butt-slow, run it as a cron job.
Y Simple yet kicks ass. Moves or copies files using regular expressions. Thanks to Andrew Allen for the idea, which I'm sure he stole somewhere else.
Y? Downloads films from iFilm/youtube to your hard drive. Converts youtube flash films to .mov if "ffmpeg" is available. If the format changes, let me know. Works with iFilm, youtube as of 05/2006. Requires perl and "lynx" or "GET"
Y Convert oggs to mp3s, converting ogginfo tags to id3 tags. Requires: ogg123, ogginfo, id3tool and an mp3 encoder, perl and nothing else. I've had a bug report that this might be limited to 48 minutes, I'd love more info on this.
Homepage Download Changelog pemf
Y I got tired of procmail and the like, so I just wrote my own mail filter that's easy to control and can do simple things like remove MIME. MIME sucks. If you can't vi it, it sucks. It can also catch SPAM, auto respond to email, forward email, blah blah blah. Everything that procmail can do, but it's perl, so it's better. Perl rocks.
Homepage Download Changelog scurvy
Y Lets you easily write screenplays or scripts in a simple text format, then converts them into the proper screenplay format. Also imports some RTF and Final Draft formats and can convert to multiple formats as well.
Homepage Download Changelog serverizor
Y Converts a generic command into a tcp server so you can disconnect and reconnect to it from the command line. This is actually pretty handy.
Homepage Download Changelog site_index
Y Multi-page HTML site index generator for local domains. See examples at any of my domains. Companion to whats_new
Homepage Download Changelog spigot
Y Spigot is an easy way to turn on and off printing of text according to patterns matched and other simple rules. Like a combination of 'expect' and 'cat' and 'head'. See usage for simple examples.
Homepage Download Changelog tcp_forward
Y Forwards a TCP connection and lets you snoop and filter the traffic being sent. Uses the simple IO::Socket server/client examples in the perlipc manpage.
Homepage Download thumb
Y Just a thumbnail generator, except that it makes thumbnails the same size while keeping aspect ratio by cropping - so the pictures aren't stretched. This works better than I expected - and is the code I use for 'album'

Author: David Ljung Madison [CONTACT] - My home.
LICENSE Free? Reporting Bugs

"I have an elegant script for this, but it was too big to fit in the margins.."

- Me, MarginalHacks

Thanks to Jamie Zawinsky and the Jargon File for the name

There are two ways of constructing a software design: One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies, and the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies. The first method is far more difficult. - C.A.R. Hoare

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