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Drought Watch

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Drought Resources

NRCS--Water Supply Forecasts
Snowpack conditions, streamflow forecasts, basin summaries, precipitation information

National Water & Climate Center--State Basin Outlook Reports
On-line summaries from the National Resources Conservation Service, with information on precipitation, snowpack, weather, and water supply for states

USBR--Pacific Northwest Region Reservoir Storage
Reservoir storage information for many major basins throughout Washington, Oregon, and Idaho

U.S Drought Monitor
Provides a drought map and summary of conditions for the U.S.

National Drought Mitigation Center
The NDMC helps people and institutions develop and implement measures to reduce vulnerability to drought.

NOAA Drought Information Center
A roundup of NOAA Web sites and information on drought and climate.

Western Regional Climate Center
One of NOAA's six regional climate centers in the U.S. that collects climate information

NOAA Climate Prediction Center
Provides outlooks, forecasts, monitoring and data, and drought assessments.

El Nino, La Nina and the Western U.S., Alaska and Hawaii
Links to information on the "El Nino/Southern Oscillation" (ENSO)

Climate and Droughts
USGS report explains the connections between climate and drought

Western Governor's Association--Drought Initiatives
Recommendations to improve drought response and incorporate mitigation and preparation

Northwest River Forecast Center
NOAA/National Weather Service site with hydrologic forecasts, hydrometerological data

WSU--Drought Alert
Access to WSU Cooperative Extension information on crops, irrigation, livestock, home and garden, water-saving topics, meetings and events

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Page maintained by John Clemens,, 253-552-1635
Last modified June 24, 2001
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