• New Commissioner Workshops 2012





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. . . to improve government

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What's New?

Stop Minority Rule!
Vote No on Proposal 5


Proposal 5 is a proposal to amend the state constitution that will require a 2/3 majority vote of the State House and the State Senate in order for there to be a tax increase. This will permanently change the state constitution creating a minority rule in the legislature by giving super powers to a minority of just 13 senators.


This would mean fewer Michigan citizens would have a say in their government.

Click here for resources and more information on Proposal 5


2012 State Ballot Proposals - You Decide

This publication is part of a long-standing effort by MSU Extension to provide Michigan residents with non-partisan, objective information about all of the statewide ballot proposals. State Ballot Proposals 2012 [pdf]

Upcoming Events

Nov. 1 deadline to register for NACo’s 2012 Healthy Counties Forum. Go to NACo’s website for more details
New County Commissioner Workshops, November & December 2012 | locations throughout Michigan
2013 MAC Legislative Conference, March 18-20, 2013 at the Lansing Center | Radisson Hotel-Downtown, Lansing, MI.

Services and
Member Benefits

The Michigan Assoc of Counties Service Corporation (MACSC) provides a variety of services and programs to MAC members, as well as county entities and other agencies within counties.

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One of MAC's strongest assets is its ability to convey a unified voice for county governments. Members have access to legislative information that affects counties including our weekly legislative update.

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Education and

NEW - Be sure to check out the video just posted from John P. McCulloch, MACSC Board President, on Oakland County Parks new Collaborative Asset Management System (CAMS). View the full video here.

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