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ADC families honored for loss


February 10, 2009

The 100 Club of Arizona and the Tostitos Fiesta Bowl teamed up to honor the memories of fallen Arizona law enforcement officers and firefighters, including three members from the Arizona Department of Corrections during the 14th annual Tostitos Fiesta Bowl football game.   The families of CO II Victor Sosa, CO II William O’Neill and CO II Doug Falconer, along with the families of five other Arizona law enforcement officers and firefighters, were invited to Phoenix University Stadium in Glendale, Arizona  on January 5 to be part of a special ceremony that was held on the field during the game.  As part of the event, family members were invited to a pre-game event at the Fiesta Bowl Stadium Club and given tickets to the game.  They were also presented special Fiesta Bowl footballs with the names of their family member inscribed onto them. 


As family members gathered on the field, the names of the fallen officers and firefighters were read to the stadium audience, with their pictures displayed on the large video screens at each end of the stadium.  The normally loud and boisterous football fans fell silent in recognition of the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty and when the last name was read, the stadium erupted in applause and a standing ovation.    Fiesta Bowl board member Steve Horrell, who also sits on the board of the 100 Club of Arizona, says “When the families returned to their respective seats after being on the field, everyone around them stood and applauded again.  The crowd’s response was awesome.”  Horrell says this is the second year in a row they have hosted a 100 Club event during the Fiesta Bowl and while they plan on making this an annual tradition, they look forward to a year when it is unnecessary. 


COII Victor Sosa passed away on December 12, 2007.   Officer Sosa, an eight-year veteran of Arizona Department of Corrections, was en-route from the Stiner Unit to go on a medical run when he was found unresponsive. Officer Sosa passed away at West Valley Hospital in Goodyear a short time later.  He is survived by his wife and their four children. 


Officer II William O’Neill passed away on January 30, 2008.  Officer O’Neill had been with the Department for two years when he experienced chest pain while on duty and passed out as he was leaving his unit to seek medical assistance.  Officer O’Neill is survived by his wife and their two sons, who were unable to attend the event.


CO II Douglas Falconer passed away on October 1, 2008.   Officer Falconer was a four-year veteran with the ADC and was overseeing an inmate firefighting crew working a wildfire in the Havasu National Wildlife Refuge when he suddenly collapsed.  Despite lifesaving efforts performed by members of the crew, Officer Falconer passed away.  He is survived by his wife.  

The 100 Club of Arizona is a volunteer, nonprofit organization committed to standing behind the men and women who stand behind the badge.  They provide financial assistance to families of public safety officers and firefighters who are seriously injured or killed in the line of duty and provide resources to enhance their safety and welfare. 



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