Great Seal The State Department web site below is a permanent electronic archive of information released prior to January 20, 2001.  Please see for material released since President George W. Bush took office on that date.  This site is not updated so external links may no longer function.  Contact us with any questions about finding information.

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    Bureau of African Affairs Africa Country Information
Regional Topics
Official Texts
Press Statements
Related Links
Country Web Sites
Angola | Benin | Botswana | Burkina Faso | Burundi | Cameroon | Cape Verde | Central African Republic | Chad | Comoros | Congo, Dem. Rep. of | Congo, Rep. of | Cote d'Ivoire | Djibouti | Equatorial Guinea | Eritrea | Ethiopia | Gabon | Gambia, The | Ghana | Guinea | Guinea-Bissau | Kenya | Lesotho | Liberia | Madagascar | Malawi | Mali | Mauritania | Mauritius | Mozambique | Namibia | Niger | Nigeria | Rwanda | San Tome and Principe | Senegal | Seychelles | Sierra Leone | Somalia | South Africa | Sudan | Swaziland | Tanzania | Togo | Uganda | Zambia | Zimbabwe

Department of State Publications and More
Country Background Notes
Country Reports on Human Rights Practices
Country Commercial Guides
Country Reports on Economic Policy and Trade Practices

Country Flags of Africa
Country Flags
of Africa
Independent States in the World
Dependencies and Areas of Special Sovereignty
International Affairs Budget Requests (2/7/00)
International Religious Freedom (2000)
Patterns of Global Terrorism (1999)
International Narcotics Control Strategy Report (1999)
Focus on the Issues: Africa* (December 1999) [*=PDF format] Adobe pdf reader/html conversion

U.S. Embassies and Other Missions Abroad
U.S. Missions websites
Biographies of current U.S. Ambassadors
Former U.S. Ambassadors to all posts abroad
Biographies of Principal Officers at the Department of State

State Department Country Desk Offices
Key Officers of Foreign Service Posts
Foreign Consular Offices in the U.S.
Diplomatic List of Missions in the U.S.

Travel Information and Security
Travel Warnings and Consular Information Sheets
Passport Services, Visas, and Other Travel Information
Foreign Consular Offices in the U.S.
Foreign Per Diem Rates
Overseas Schools
A Safe Trip Abroad
Your Trip Abroad
Tips for Americans Residing Abroad
Travel Tips for Older Americans
Tips for Travelers to Sub-Sahara Africa
Tips for Travelers to the Middle East and North Africa
Medical Information for Americans Traveling Aboard

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