Table 5. National employment and wages for bookkeeping, accounting, and auditing clerks by industry, May 2008

Table 5.  National employment and wages for bookkeeping, accounting, and auditing clerks by
industry, May 2008

                                          |            |            |                  |        
               Industry                   |            | Percent of |    Median wages  |  Mean 
                                          | Employment |occupational|------------------| hourly
                                          |            | employment |  Hourly | Annual |  Wage 
                                          |            |            |         |        |       
   Total, all industries (1) .............|  1,855,010 |     100.0  |  $15.63 | $32,510| $16.25
                                          |            |            |         |        |       
Accounting, tax preparation, bookkeeping, |            |            |         |        |       
 and payroll services.....................|    100,300 |       5.4  |   15.21 |  31,640|  15.88
Management of companies and enterprises...|     80,020 |       4.3  |   16.17 |  33,640|  16.73
Local government (2) .....................|     75,540 |       4.1  |   16.19 |  33,680|  16.58
Depository credit intermediation..........|     56,940 |       3.1  |   14.43 |  30,010|  15.01
Building equipment contractors............|     43,400 |       2.3  |   16.22 |  33,740|  16.84

   1 Includes other industries, not shown separately.
   2 OES designation.  Includes all activities carried out by local government except schools 
and hospitals.

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Last Modified Date: May 01, 2009