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Synopsis for February 1, 2002

The MMWR is embargoed until NOON, ET.

  1. Pertussis — United States, 1997–1999
  2. Hypothermia-Related Deaths — Utah, 2000, and United States, 1979–1998
  3. Update: Influenza Activity — United States, 2001–02 Season

MMWR: Reports and Recommendations
Community Interventions to Promote Healthy Social Environments: Early Childhood Development and Family Housing: A Report on Recommendations of the Task Force on Community

Contact: Laurie Anderson, Ph.D., M.P.H.
CDC, Epidemiology Program Office
(360) 236-4274

Telebriefing, January 31, 2002
WHO: Dr. Tim Uyeki, CDC influenza expert
WHAT: Dr. Uyeki will discuss the 2001-02 flu season in the United States. Brief remarks followed by Q/A.
WHEN: Thursday, January 31, 2002; 12 Noon – 12:30 PM ET
WHERE: At your desk, by toll-free conference line: Dial 866-254-5942
Teleconference name: CDC
WHY: Get the most recent information about the 2001-02 influenza season in the United States.

A full transcript of this teleconference will be available today following the teleconference on the CDC website at

This teleconference will also be audio webcast. Listen LIVE online at

Synopsis for February 1, 2002

Pertussis — United States, 1997–1999

Despite an effective vaccine, pertussis continues to occur in the United States in all age groups.

Kris Bisgard, D.V.M., M.P.H.

CDC, National Immunization Program
(404) 639–8255

There has been an increase in the number of reported U.S. pertussis cases in the last two decades. This increase is primarily among infants too young to have received 3 pertussis-containing vaccine doses, and among adolescents and adults. There are likely to be several reasons for the increase, including increased recognition and diagnosis of pertussis among adolescents and adults, and changes in diagnostic tests and criteria for reporting. However, these factors are not likely to substantially change reporting of infant cases; the increase in cases among infants <6 months of age suggests that a true increase in pertussis circulation has occurred. The number of cases of pertussis among children who are old enough to have received 3 or more pertussis vaccinations has remained stable.


Hypothermia-Related Deaths — Utah, 2000, and United States, 1979–1998

Persons who participate in outdoor activities, during cold weather, should take precautions to avoid hypothermia.

Amanda Sue Niskar, R.N., M.P.H.

CDC, National Center for Environmental Health
(404) 498–1371
Hypothermia is a medical emergency that can be prevented. Extreme cold is not necessary for hypothermia. Persons should take precautions to avoid hypothermia when participating in outdoor activities during cold weather. Persons can stay warm by moving arms and legs, eating, and drinking non-alcoholic beverages. Also, wear a hat that does not retain moisture, a scarf or knit mask to cover the face and mouth, sleeves that are snug at the wrist, mittens, water-resistant coat and shoes, and several layers of loose-fitting clothing. Vehicles should be equipped with cold weather gear for use during a breakdown. Travelers stranded during a winter storm should remain in their vehicle, stay awake, and wrap their entire bodies in extra clothing, blankets, or newspapers to stay warm.


Update: Influenza Activity — United States, 2001–02 Season

There has been a mild flu season so far in the U.S., but influenza activity has increased in recent weeks and is expected to increase further in the coming weeks.

Timothy Uyeki, M.D., M.P.H., M.P.P.

CDC, National Center for Infectious Diseases
(404) 639–3747
All of the U.S. influenza viruses tested at CDC so far this season are well matched by the influenza vaccine strains. There are approximately 10 million doses of 2001-02 influenza vaccine still available. Health care providers should continue to offer influenza vaccine to persons during February because influenza activity is expected to increase and unvaccinated persons can benefit from vaccination even after influenza has been detected in their communities.


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This page last reviewed February 1, 2002

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